Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 Church Directory


Say “No” To The Bullies

I just saw a video from an early June story done by a Twin Cities TV station on bullying. The story featured a group of five elementary age boys who took it upon themselves to look out for a fellow classmate who...

To The Editor

I listened to both the mayor and Mrs. Keller's entire radio interviews. Contrary to what some people "heard," both had nice things to say about Becker, our schools, and other amenities and what they shared was p...

To The Editor

Reluctant as I would be to sit on any committee at this time of my comfortable retirement age, I would gladly take part in the exploratory process of sending David Hannula on a run for the White House, if in fac...

Becker Freedom Days Are Your Days

The Becker Community rolls out its annual celebration starting Sunday night - and you and family are very much invited to take part in the festivities.   There is an unusual twist to the beginning of the celebra...

To The Editor

The annual Memorial Day lunch held at the Becker Community Center was a huge success with the largest turnout ever seen!  It was my privilege to help serve lunch in honor of those men and women who selflessly ga...

To The Editor

On behalf of the All Night Grad Party, Decorations Committee, I would like to Thank everyone involved in transforming our Community Center into the “Bulldog Kingdom” for our 2015 Graduates to enjoy!  It is alway...

Job Opening

Like many Americans my age, I am ever more aware of the ticking of the clock as it marks off the increments towards the dreaded “Age of Retirement.”  I have enjoyed a lengthy tenure here at “The Citizen,” but, n...

Santiago Loses An Icon

Phyllis “Tootsie” George was born to Art and Opal (Borneke) George on May 18, 1948 in Princeton. She grew up in Santiago with her parents and lived in their Santiago home until recently. She was the youngest chi...

To The Editor

Thank you PTSA students representatives Celia Mix and Michaela Manifold for your dedication of service to Becker PTSA! We are excited to present you both with a $500 scholarship! Congratulations! You will be mis...

To The Editor

The annual Memorial Day lunch held at the Becker Community Center was a huge success with the largest turnout ever seen!  It was my privilege to help serve lunch in honor of those men and women who selflessly ga...

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