Monday, May 13th, 2024 Church Directory
Staff Writer

Places To Go, Things To Do

Many people who I meet are surprised to learn I haven’t been to too many different places in my lifetime.
Once they find out I grew up on the East Coast near New York City, they seem to assume I’ve had a lifetime of travelling before settling in Minnesota.
But other than passing through a few states on the drive here, I haven’t really travelled much.
Years ago I visited my parents in Florida.
I attended some trade shows in Chicago for a company I worked for in New York.
I went to Boston when my late wife was at school there.
And I went to Washington D.C. on a field trip in the eighth grade.
But until a few years ago, that’s been the extent of my travels.
Since I met my girlfriend, Rita, almost three years ago, we’ve visited her best friend in Texas and travelled to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon, visit the Navajo Reservation and take a walk in the desert.
I’ve never been out of the country - even though Canada isn’t that far away. I haven’t been to Mexico, the West Coast or either of the Dakotas  - or even Iowa.
But I’m hoping to catch up now. Since I stopped farming my land and raising sheep, I have more time and less responsibility to keep me in one place.
Now, instead of taking vacations to get farmwork done or repair buildings, I can plan to go somewhere with Rita.
We’ve already made a list of places we’d like to see and things we’d like to do.
High on the list is the Pacific Northwest to see the giant redwood trees. I’ve seen photos of them, but I know nothing can compare to standing and feeling the largest life forms on Earth.
We’d also like to see Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Mount Rushmore and  the Black Hills.
Ever since I saw the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, I’ve wanted to see Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. That’s on the list, too.
Two years ago for our first Christmas together, I took Rita to the East Coast to see my brothers and sister in New Jersey. She got a chance to see New York for the first time. One of the most memorable moments happened as we stood and watched the mechanical  Christmas window displays at Macy’s and the first few snow flakes of the winter stared falling. 
It was magic.
Now she wants to take me to California to Venice Beach where she spent some time many years ago. She says there’s nothing like watching the sunset over the Pacific Ocean.
I can’t wait.
Another idea we both have is to do sort of a cross-country camping trip. Nothing fancy - a tent and a few items for comfort along the way. And we’d like to combine it with an adventure - panning for gold.
We know the chances of striking it rich are pretty much zero. But that’s not what’s important. We want to have the experience of travelling to different parts of the country and enjoying  whatever happens.
It’s like the old saying by Ralph Waldo Emerson. 
It’s not the destination. It’s the journey.