Saturday, October 12th, 2024 Church Directory


My Favorite Season

It’s my favorite time of year.Everything about the fall gets me in a good mood: the leaves on the trees changing color, the cool sweatshirt weather and the golden fields of corn and soybeans being harvested.It s...

Letters To The Editor

TO THE EDITOR:Say YES to Owen and Keiderling. Two years ago, while campaigning for his current seat, Orrock Township Supervisor D, handed out literature stating “he is strongly committed to open and transparent ...

The Lewis’s Woodpecker

I’ve spent a lifetime and a full career of over 40 years writing about and taking photos of all sorts of wildlife, and birds in particular. So, it would be natural to think that I’ve seen all the birds or all th...

Constitutional Amendment

According to the Minnesota Secretary of State website, there will be one proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot in Minnesota this year.  Are you prepared to know which way you want to vote?In a very uno...

Letters To The Editor

TO THE EDITOR:Walk the Walk, Vote Owen for Orrock. If he was alive today, my father would be turning 76-years-old. A Vietnam-era Army vet who was much older than my friends’ parents, Dad summed up words of wisdo...

Letters To The Editor

TO THE EDITOR:Tariff(s): “a tax levied by a government on imports … for purposes of protection, support of the balance of payments, or the raising of revenue.” This is the definition you will find on Dictionary....

Agriculture is a Priority

While Congress has reconvened in Washington, D.C., our office remains laser-focused on the issues impacting Minnesotans. During the last few weeks, we had the opportunity to meet with many outstanding Minnesotan...

No Surprise

I rarely comment about politics publicly because whenever I do, people who disagree with me feel the need to tell me why I’m wrong. Somewhere along the line, it became not okay to have differing viewpoints. Howe...

American Black Bear

We could see it moving through the tall, dull green grass of late summer, and it is moving in our direction. I told the group that we better move back and get our cameras ready. It looks like it will be walking ...

We Got Scammed!

Readers, I have a good one for you today. I’ve frequently used my column space to talk about scam messages and how to avoid falling for them. Well, this week our office was the target of a scam. Every Monday we ...

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