Friday, September 20th, 2024 Church Directory


A Thanksgiving

In this Holiday season, I am more much more “thanks” and much less “giving”. I am truly thankful that we no longer live in the Twin Cities, where the pace of gunfire homicides and maimings grows with each passin...

Local Hunters Set Their Sights High

A Hunter’s Prayer We pray our sights be straight and our aim be true We pray for no pain to the game we pursue We thank you, lord for this land We thank you for the sights from our stands We pray for safety one...

To The Editor

A  9/24/2015 letter to editor says:  “ We cannot go on as we have. Will Minnesota be a leader for clean air and modern jobs?”   A mantra similar to this has been preached by Sierra Club's "Beyond Coal" campaign ...

To The Editor

The beautiful thing about a democracy such as ours is that the people have a right to voice opposition when they feel that there is something not being done to represent the people by those who were elected to r...

To The Editor

I just returned home from the Veterans Day Celebration Through Music at Becker High School and I want to thank the Veterans and Active Service people who stepped up to serve our country.   Thank you to “Coverfir...

To The Editor

On Nov. 11, we stop to honor the brave men and women of our US Armed Forces and to remember the sacrifices they have made to keep our Great Nation safe.   I am especially filled with pride to see our community h...

Then The Romans Created Their Kingdom

(Editors note: The following is the second in a series on sites in Italy, visited by our 25-member mostly-Minnesota group, led by Naturalist Jim and Sandy Gilbert, in October.) God (with perhaps some help from M...

All Ye Pilgrims

Halloween has come and gone and now we can all start getting ready for the next holiday. Thanksgiving. It’s kind of the “middle child” of holidays since Halloween and Christmas are holidays aimed at pleasing kid...

Italy: Land Of Paradoxes, A Land Of Enchantment

It’s been hard getting my head around this land called Italy. The country continues to suffer in the wake of a world-wide depression over the last 10 years. Unemployment rate of the young people is over 20%, so ...

To The Editor

I am writing today in support of our school referendum and would like to encourage you to do the same. The cost for most homes would be around 50 cents a day.    Are your children and grandchildren worth that?  ...

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