Thursday, September 19th, 2024 Church Directory


To The Editor

A  9/24/2015 letter to editor says, “We cannot go on as we have. Will Minnesota be a leader for clean air and modern jobs?”   A mantra similar to this has been preached by Sierra Club's "Beyond Coal" campaign fo...

To The Editor

I am voting for the referendum because our school is the cornerstone of the community.  If we don’t keep up our schools it will be detrimental to our students.  The cost to keep our current education programs is...

To The Editor

I am voting “yes” on all three questions for the school referendum November 3, because our school is a cornerstone of this great community. I have read through information that was sent out, have spoken with te...

To The Editor

I am writing regarding the school referendum. Three of my children graduated from Becker schools and another is on the way.  Our children's future is one of the most important investments we can make.    I have ...

To The Editor

I am curious that there have not been any letters printed on the upcoming school referendum. As a school board member we are always looking for feedback. Over the last severeal years, we have worked hard to earn...

Giant Ski Jump Comes Alive

Unable to resist a trip to the Great White North to experience the annual riot of fall colors endemic thereupon, my old cronies and myself were somewhat disappointed to find the vegetation in a pronounced and pr...

Family Bonding

‘If we all put our  problems into a hat and then picked out of it someone  else’s problems, we’d all ask for  our own back.’  - Unknown. Earlier this week I attended the monthly chamber meeting at Becker Communi...

To The Editor

I read the article in last week’s edition of the Citizen regarding the recent announcement by Xcel to retire Sherco 1 & 2. It is disappointing to see, that even after Xcel has put forth their preferred plan ...

To The Editor

The Friends of the Becker Library would like to thank the following for making the October Book Sale a success: those who donated books and media material, the volunteers who gave their time and energy into sett...

To The Editor

My wife and I recently sold our home on the local nine and have moved from the Becker community so I no longer have any skin in the game. However I feel I need to make a couple of comments regarding Pebble Creek...

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