During Tuesday’s Becker City Council Meeting, Mayor Tracy Bertram proclaimed the week of November 7-11 as Kindness Appreciation Week. The week will be celebrated by reporting acts of kindness, holding a donut drive through, and writing words of kindness using chalk on city sidewalks (chalk will be available for free at City Hall and other locations.) More information will be available on the city’s social media pages.
Irrigation Pump Maintenance
Jason Scharfencamp of the golf course approached the board to approve maintenance on two irrigation pumps. This is an extension of the maintenance plant that was put in place last year. The pumps will be removed and serviced over the winter so there is no downtime when the season begins again in the spring.
Public Hearing: Utility Charges
A public hearing will be held November 15 at approximately 5 p.m. to allow residents to speak before unpaid utility charges are certified to their respective property taxes. The residents this applies to were sent notifications in the mail. Council Member Rick Hendrickson encouraged people to reach out if they had any issue paying the outstanding charges, as it was the goal of the council to work with people to find a solution.