Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 Church Directory


Sherburne County Health and Human Services

February 2022 Classes:Car Seat Distribution ClassesMonday, February 7, 2022 6-7:30pm, and Wednesday, February 23, 2022 9:30-11am at the Sherburne County Government Center, 13880 Business Center Drive NW, Elk Riv...

GRRL - Clearwater Library - Event Announcements

Photography Workshop: Learn to take better pictures from the combined experience of this group of amateur photographers. Beginners are encouraged to attend. Open discussion starts at 6:00 p.m. For teens & ad...

GRRL - Big Lake Library - Event Announcements

Storytime—NEW DAY OF THE WEEK! Children, with a favorite adult, enjoy books, songs, rhymes, & movement activities while building language & early literacy skills through reading, singing, talking, & ...

GRRL - Becker Library - Event Announcements

Shredded Book Challenge: Guess the name of the classic book just by looking at the shredded pages. Enter your answer for a chance to win a prize. For teens & adults. Sponsored by the Friends of the Becker Li...

RSVP / The Volunteer Bridge

RSVP/ The Volunteer BridgeTri-CAP Tax Site Greeter – Provide customer support for taxpayers, answer basic questions, assist in traffic flow at the tax clinic. No previous tax experience is necessary. Tax season ...

Young @ Heart

Young at Heart will be held on January 20, 2022, at Rejoice Lutheran Church, Clearwater MN.  Please call the church office at 320-558-6851 or notify “rejoice@rejoicelutheranchurch” via email to let us you are co...

Emergency Blood Shortage Appeal

The American Red Cross has issued an EMERGENCY BLOOD SHORTAGE APPEAL. This was issued many weeks ago and proceeds to get worse. This is about as serious as it gets. We have less than a day supply at this point. ...

Sherburne County Recorder-Vital Statistics Marriage Application Report

Sherburne County RecorderVital Statistics Marriage Application ReportFor December 2021Taylor Rochelle Stinski and Terrell David Sam of Zimmerman; Jeri Maria Vara  of Blaine and Jeffrey David Pasbrig of Braham; R...

RSVP / The Volunteer Bridge

Community Mentor with Big Brother Big Sister ProgramProvide one on one youth mentoring to children facing adversity by providing a caring environment.  Meet with your “Little” three to four times a month.  Match...

TCA Missions & Outreach

TCA Missions & OutreachChildren’s Christmas program is on Wednesday,December 15th with a meal at 5:30 pm followed by the program at 6pm.Drive-up Live Nativity on Sunday, December 19th at 5:30 pm.Candlelight ...

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