Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 Church Directory
Enjoying a cup of coffee with the Big Lake Chief of Police John Kaczmarek were a handful of guests last Wednesday. (Patriot Photo by Don Bellach)

Kaczmarek keeps the public informed over coffee

Events like Coffee with the Chief held on Wednesday, June 5 at Ember Coffee Company, are the public’s best opportunity to see that the people who hold positions of trust in the community are people just like them.  

Police Chief John Kaczmarek hosted the event without any set agenda or prepared content.  He was simply ready to meet the public, but few showed up for the event that started at 9 a.m.  The couple of people who did, got to talk to the Chief about whatever was on their minds – some of it wasn’t about policing, but was about fishing and going up north to the cabin. 

New Staff

Chief Kaczmarek updated those in attendance about recent hires to the Big Lake Police Department.  Though he did not give specifics, he did explain that two new officers have been hired and will be starting soon.   Another candidate is still going through backgrounding, a new front desk clerk has been hired and one Reserve Officer will be starting soon as well. 

New Patrol Patch

Currently, the patch that appears on the uniforms of BLPD officers carries the State Seal of Minnesota.  Because of recent changes to the state seal, that patch will be changed.  The new state seal will not be a part of the new design. 

Chief Kaczmarek said that decision was deliberate.  “We are purposely doing it so we never have to deal with it in the future.”

Summer Events

The BLPD will be on hand at many of the summer events that will be occurring throughout the summer in Big Lake – Music in the Park, the Farmer’s Market, and Spud Fest to name a few.  When asked about the upcoming Annual Spud Fest Softball game between the BLPD and the Big Lake Fire Department, Kaczmarek backed his team.

“Police are more athletic,” he quipped.  

He also mentioned that he does worry about injury.  Softball isn’t a sport he participates in on an ongoing basis. 

E Bikes

A question about electric bikes came up during Coffee with the Chief.  Kaczmarek explained that recently, the Big Lake City Council changed a City Ordinance concerning bicycles because of complaints that e-bikes were being ridden on city sidewalks at high speeds.  The change now prohibits e-bikes from being ridden on sidewalks.   

The amendment states, “No person shall operate an electric-assisted bicycle upon a sidewalk at any time, except when such operation is necessary for the most direct access to a roadway from a driveway, alley or building.”

Upcoming Dates

If one missed this months Coffee with the Chief one still will have the opportunity to attend future events.  Coffee with the Chief is held on select Wednesdays from 9 a.m.-10 a.m. at Ember Coffee Co. in Big Lake.  Future dates will be August 7, October 2, and December 4, 2024.