Saturday, September 28th, 2024 Church Directory

Santiago board plans road maintenance

It was a race against Mother Nature last Wednesday as the Santiago Township Board worked to conclude its monthly business before a nasty storm impacted the area.

Sgt. Kevin Grams of the SCSO reported on 110 calls for service from the previous month, noting that once again traffic stops dominated the ICR’s.  He also detailed statistics from the traffic sign placement on 59th Street, which consisted of 497 cars clocked during the reported period and an average speed of 17 MPH, with the highest recorded at 37 MPH.

Next, the board discussed micro-sealing projects and reported that the steep increase in the bid from last year to this year was due to the asphalt needing perhaps two coats of the sealant rather than a single coat.

It was determined that 41st Street needs a patch of asphalt nearly 300 feet long before it can be micro-sealed in the future.  The board then approved doing the seal projects on both 62nd Street and the South Santiago Cemetery road.

The board also discussed how an increase in the number of garbage trucks and delivery trucks is impacting roadway surfaces and shortening their lifespan.

Road Supervisor Dave Jehoich received unanimous consent to have John and Jake Herbst replace a culvert that had deteriorated at a cost of $7,250.

In park and building related news, Matt Weber reported that all fire trucks had passed their monthly inspections, while concrete would soon be poured at the Lions Club storage shed at the park.  The Town Hall septic project is also slated to be completed soon.

The board once again discussed the CUP for the Becker Christian Center and accepted a donation from the organization towards the gravel that was placed on 59th Street.  A copy of the original CUP, as well as the remaining balance for the road maintenance will be sent to the church.

Finally, the board reviewed a request for the vacation of a drainage and utility easement for Cory Withrow, who would like to construct a storage shed on his property.  An on-site visit was scheduled so the board could better understand elevations and water control in the area.

The board will meet next on July 10 at 7 p.m.