Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory


Letters To The Editor 8 30 2014

I would like to thank Mr. Eric Austin for his recent letter and respond to some of his concerns. This Spring, I cleared my schedule and met with him and the other teachers from  his group for about half an hour....

Letters To The Editor 8 23 2014

On a visit to Rep. Jim Newberger this last legislative session, other educators and I were informed by the esteemed representative that there just wasn’t time enough in his day to think about issues like educati...

Fair Dues

One of the surest signs of the approach of autumn at The Citizen is the departure of my colleague Bill Morgan, who makes his annual pilgrimage to the shrine of All Things Minnesotan on a Stick at just this time ...

Teacher Negotiations. Very, Very Hard Work.

Word came from Becker Public Schools Thursday that the Becker teachers union and Becker board negotiators had reached a tentative agreement for a new two-year salary and benefit package. The package is pending a...

Great Minnesota Get Together May Be My Last

It’s that time of year again as summer winds down, the days get shorter and the Great Minnesota Get Together appears on the horizon. It’s been a challenge for me to get my caricature business in order for this y...

Lions Meet The Needs Of Local Communities

The Lions website reports in 1917, Melvin Jones, a 38-year-old Chicago business leader, told members of his local business club they should reach beyond business issues and address the betterment of their commun...

Over There

While the Supreme and I enjoy foreign travel, our schedule of late has been somewhat limited to domestic destinations, often on solo missions such as her recent motor trip to Florida to visit our friend’s daught...

Gosh, I Must Be Driving Too Slow

Wednesday just before noon, I pulled out from Rolling Ridge Road in Becker to Hwy. 10, heading east back to Big Lake. I cleared the intersection, heading to the “slow lane,” and after a quarter mile or so, viewe...

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Several months ago, my wife and I embarked on a “healthy living” campaign to change our eating and exercise habits for the better. It’s been 21 weeks this weekend since we signed up for Isagenix and we have nev...

Death And The Maiden

Cats are funny things.  People either take to their high level of independence and seeming indifference to humans, or they don’t.  Many prefer the easy affection and total devotion exhibited by dogs, who lord th...

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