Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory


So, Which ‘Right’ Would You Give Away?

A recent daily newspaper carried a survey of student and teachers’ thinking about First Amendment rights - you know - those things we’ve been guaranteed since our Constitution was passed over 240 years ago.    T...

Letters To The Editor 10 11 14

As one of the candidates for city council I felt it was important for me to address last weeks editorial from Mr. Raygor. The police department from my perspective has been very professional and helpful to me an...

Letter To The Editor Disclaimer

We gladly accept letters to the editor. Please be advised that these letters will be reviewed & published at the discretion of our Editor. Please limit your letters to 200 words or less. You can email your l...

Letters To The Editor 10 4 14

I recently learned that one of the new candidates for Becker City Council may be suggesting we consider the elimination of the Becker Police Dept.  Some may recall that in 2004 there was a previous attempt by ou...

Hi Dad, Thanks For Stopping By

As I had mentioned in last month’s column, I’ve transitioned to making the decision to not participate in next year’s Minnesota State Fair. And as I said in that writing, I was nervous to tell my family members ...

Field Of Dreams

Summer is officially over. I’m having a hard time accepting it. As a Minnesotan, I pack way too much in to our 12 weeks of summer. If winter weren’t coming right on the heels of fall, it would be my favorite sea...

Weather Vain

While it is impossible to truly predict the future, some impending aspects are staring us rather rudely in the face.   With the advent of September, some tried and true signs of what is to come are manifesting t...

We’re Saying Farewell This Week To A Cousin Curt Peterson Of Delano.

Curt died last week after battling cancer and a number of other conditions which made his last few years hard. But, his spirit continues to shine - and that’s why I’m writing about a cousin from Delano.   For C...

Msf Definitely My Last

The 2014 Minnesota State Fair has come and gone and I survived the 12-day marathon once again. Barely. As I stated in last month’s column, I had been seriously considering making this year my last as a caricatur...

A Slower Pace At Snake River Farm

I just returned home from a long weekend in Dallas, TX. While ranches are quite common in Texas, they are not that prevalent in central Minnesota. Tom Barthel and his wife Gail Wilkinson own and operate Snake Ri...

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