Friday, May 3rd, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

Our Mayor Kleis has done a good job with all of Becker in mind. Yet he meets with opposition from certain council members who rally against a mindset of transparency and accountability where our city is concerned.
When bullies have come into elected positions, it is a shame to them and to us who voted for them. I confess that I have voted for council members who have not lived up to the honor of those positions. Please forgive me.
In November we vote for a new president of the United States and a few Becker Council Member seats. Test them for their honesty and integrity. They must be willing to own up to their mistakes and willing to make things right. If they don’t now, then they won’t in office.
The citizens of Becker are the “employers”of the people holding elected and employed positions. We need honorable people that are willing to be accountable.
Maybe you are readying yourself for a future election post. I hope so, because we need to turn the tide in Becker! Please keep that in mind, and vote!
Christine Poe,
Becker, MN.