April 7: 1 speed warning. 1 expired driver’s license citation. 1 warrant arrest. 2 warrant attempt. 1 alarm. 1 check welfare. 1 agency assist/open door. 1 equipment warning. 1 animal. 1 no insurance citation/registration citation. 1 domestic.
April 8: 2 speed warnings. 1 check welfare. 1 domestic/2nd degree assault arrest. 1 domestic. 1 speed warning. 1 warrant arrest. 1 miscellaneous officer. 1 speed warning/lane usage warning.
April 9: 1 fail to dim lights warning. 2 equipment warnings. 1 speed warning. 1 theft. 1 record check. 2 traffic complaint. 1 no pay. 1 civil. 1 driver’s license violation warning. 1 agency assist/medical.
April 10: 1 possible gas leak. 1 agency assist/traffic stop. 1 security check. 1 record check. 1 traffic complaint. 1 juvenile complaint. 3 equipment warnings. 1 speed warning. 1 fail to signal warning.
April 11: 4 equipment warnings. 1 security check. 1 agency assist/theft. 1 alarm. 1 suspicious activity. 1 check welfare. 1 semaphore violation citation/no motorcycle endorsement citation. 1 driving without lights warning. 1 speed warning/fail to signal warning. 1 suspicious person. 1 speed warning.
April 12: 2 lane usage warnings. 3 speed warnings. 1 use of lights warning. 1 equipment warning. 1 suspicious person. 1 DWI. 1 agency assist/warrant arrest. 1 agency assist/open door. 1 no pay. 1 public peace. 1 equipment warning/incorrect address of driver’s license warning/expired driver’s license warning/no proof insurance citation. 1 stalled vehicle.
April 13: 1 suspicious person/disorderly conduct citation. 1 speed warning. 2 theft. 1 property damage. 1 suspicious person. 1 medical.