April 21: 3 equipment warnings. 1 medical. 1 lock out. 1 harassing communications. 1 sexual assault report. 1 speed warning. 1 driving without care warning. 1 possession small amount of marijuana/possession of drug paraphernalia citations. 1 civil.
April 22: 1 speed citation/no driver’s license citation/no insurance citation. 1 equipment warning. 1 lane usage warning. 1 property damage. 1 suspicious vehicle. 1 no pay. 1 extra patrol. 1 record check. 1 medical. 2 lock out. 1 civil.
April 23: 1 alarm. 1 lost property. 2 medicals. 1 no pay. 1 driving without lights in inclement weather warning. 1 missing child/found. 1 lock out. 1 equipment warning. 1 road hazard. 1 speed citation/exhibition driving citation. 1 registration violation warning/equipment warning. 1 speed warning. 1 security check. 1 domestic.
April 24: 1 check welfare. 2 speed warnings. 1 medical. 1 no pay. 1 drive without lights in inclement weather warning/no proof insurance citation. 1 lock out. 1 equipment warning. 1 burning complaint. 1 security check.
April 25: 3 equipment warnings. 1 speed citation. 1 fail to yield warning. 1 found property. 1 no pay. 1 driving after cancellation IPS arrest. 1 impound plates. 1 agency assist/check welfare. 1 improper turn warning. 1 motorist assist.
April 26: 1 agency assist/trespass complaint. 2 equipment warnings. 1 equipment warning/fail to comply with impounding of license plates citation. 1 lane usage warning/driving after revocation citation. 2 speed warnings. 1 fail to signal warning. 1 lane usage warning/driving after revocation citation/no insurance citation. 1 public assist. 1 suspicious person.
April 27: 1 driving without lights warning. 1 motorist assist. 2 use of lights warning. 1 verbal domestic. 1 alarm. 1 order for protection violation arrest. 1 animal. 1 driving without lights in inclement weather. 1 harassing communications. 1 agency assist/domestic situation.