Hhs Ranks 2nd In Cost Savings
When it comes to spending money to provide services, Sherburne County’s Health & Human Services (HHS) Dept. is one of the most efficient in the state. At the last county board meeting, Amanda Larson, Plann...
When it comes to spending money to provide services, Sherburne County’s Health & Human Services (HHS) Dept. is one of the most efficient in the state. At the last county board meeting, Amanda Larson, Plann...
Unemployment rates have continued to fall across Minnesota. And Sherburne County is now at its lowest rate since 2001. That was one statistic covered during a community partners meeting last week at Pebble Cre...
After a 40-minute discussion last week, the Clearwater Township board of supervisors awarded the contract to Astech Corp. for the township’s first ever chip sealing project. Chip sealing is a lower cost alter...
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Lynden Township hosted a public meeting on April 21 to discuss findings from their recent investigation into well water...
Clearview Elementary held their annual Kindergarten Roundup April 21, with 76 new students signed up to attend. The event is held for children who will be five years old by Sept. 1 of this year and are ready to ...
For the past five years, fourth grade students at Clearview Elementary have been visiting residents at St. Benedict’s Senior Center and Talahi Care Center twice a month. Last week for the first time, some of tho...
Kindergarteners at Clearview Elementary welcomed spring last week with their first ever spring parade. As cheerful music played, the students paraded down the school halls smiling, waving and wearing brightly co...
April was distracted driving prevention month, and to bring attention to this growing problem in Sherburne County and across Minnesota, last week Sherburne County area law enforcement and the County Attorney’s O...
On the agenda for the Clear Lake Township meeting lastweek was the rebidding of their surfacing contract, annual clean up day and the new township newsletter. Surfacing Contract Engineer Terrance Vander Eyk re...
Haven Township author Pam Leonard didn’t start writing until she was 50 years old. “I couldn’t have started earlier, I had to wait until I was an empty-nester,” she explained to a group at the Clearwater Libr...