Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 Church Directory

Tax rates expected to be higher in 2025

Tax rates in many jurisdictions in Sherburne County could be increasing in 2025.

A report released by the auditor-treasurer’s office late last month shows six of seven cities and seven of 10 townships in the county are proposing higher tax rates in 2025.

Baldwin Twp. will see a rate   increase from 13.874% to 15.220%.

Blue Hill Twp. could see a slight increase from 11.690% to 11.806%.

In Becker Twp., the rate is proposed to go from 17.653% to 19.457%.

Haven Twp. will see a hike from 13.497% to 15.634%.

Livonia Twp. is proposing an increase from 17.118% to 19.492%.

In Palmer Twp., the rate will increase from 12.658% to 13.131%.

Santiago Twp. is looking at an increase from 12.480% to 12.957%.

The other three townships show a decrease in tax rates in 2025.

In Big Lake Twp., the rate could be lowered from 19.437% to 18.951%, with tax rates for  properties within the Elk River Fire District also falling from 20.187% to 19.490%.

The rate in Orrock Twp. is proposed to drop slightly from 17.644% to 17.560%.

In Clear Lake Twp., the rate could decrease from 13.275% to 12.926%.

In the cities, only Clear Lake is expecting a lower tax rate, from 47.534% to 45.235%.

In Becker, the rate could go from 45.998% to 48.907%.

The rate in Big Lake is increasing from 36.384% to 38.647%. But the rural service district (RSD) property rate is falling from 6.955% to 5.631% because of fewer city services required for mostly undeveloped land.

Elk River could see a rate increase from 37.817% to 40.354%.

East St. Cloud is expecting a slight increase from 53.167% to 53.856%.

Princeton will see the highest rate increase, from 54.922% to 62.623%, with the RSD property rate also increasing from 16.143% to 17.471%.

In Zimmerman, the rate increase proposed is 36.083% to 39.707%, with annexed property rates increasing 12.629% to 13.899%.

The report also shows the county tax rate is expected to increase from 36.597% to 38.226%

Six of seven school districts that affect Sherburne County properties will also have higher tax rates in 2025. They include Foley Dist. 51 (19.564% to 24.161%), Princeton Dist. 477 (21.063% to 22.032%), Becker Dist. 726 (19.262% to 19.676%),  Elk River Dist. 728 (23.924% to 25.204%), St. Cloud Dist. 742 (21.296% to 21.647%) and Monticello Dist. 882 (13.535% to 12.615%). The only decrease proposed in Big Lake Dist. 727 (28.442% to 27.907%).

Total taxes payable will also be affected by the market value of the home or business and local levies. Tax notices were sent out in November. They include line items for each taxing jurisdiction, taxes in 2024 and proposed 2025 taxes.