Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 Church Directory

Sherburne County

The Sherburne County Board Tuesday certified the 2014 tax levy at $41,420,261.

That represents a one percent decrease from the 2013 levy of $41,837,700.
Although the county’s overall spending will increase in 2014 from $72,151,162 to $78,293,223, much of that additional spending will be covered by an increase in non-levy revenues.
Revenues are expected to increase by $3,688,164 through state and federal support in the public works department, allowing the county to do more road projects next year.
Health & Human Services funding is expected to increase by $1,293,764. The technology department is expecting $604,799 in revenues, while parks & trails will get an additional $500,789 through outside sources, like grants.
The biggest decrease ($657,856) came in the General Fund, where levy support was reduced from $6,350,500 to $5,692,644.
Other departments that had significant cuts to their levy support for 2014 were: debt service $202,698; administration $90,183; land and building $60,000; government center expenses $46,984; youth placement $46,000; auditor/treasurer $38,001; assessor $34,678; recorder $34,131; economic development $31,282; courts $25,500.
The county also reduced the Regional Rail Authority Levy, dropping the total from $1,948,000 to $1,792,100 - almost nine percent lower than 2013.
The board approved tax rebate financing payments totalling $287,875.21 for taxes paid in 2013 to the following businesses: Orluck Properties $13,635.55; Badger Ventures $11,620.93; Inland Big Lake $61,045.76; Nott Company $65.03; Provo Enterprises $10,000.10; O’Brien Holdings $18,682.42; Tom/ Rikki Bauer $15,990.91; RST CAYO - Classic Acrylics $11,993.12; Wisconsin Label Corp. $11,908.34; Bank of Elk River $19,904.66; Mowry Properties (Metal Craft) $53,403.35; Envision (Sportech, Inc.) $53,150.04; Inline Packaging $8,495.
Other Business
In other action the board:
• Approved a request by Information Services to expand and improve the office space in early 2014 at a cost not to exceed $92,000;
• Approved a 3.2% Malt Liquor License application for Uncle Vito’s Pizza Inc. in Palmer Twp.;
• Set the meal reimbursement rate for county personnel at $30 per day for in-state travel and $35 for out-of-state travel;
• Authorized the auditor/treasurer to publish calls for bid for 2014 publications on Dec. 7, 14 and 21.