Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 Church Directory

Read A Thon Ends Next Friday

The annual “Read-a-Thon” sponsored by the Becker PTSA is coming to an end, with Fri., Feb. 28 the final day of the program, according to Becker PTSA President Ann Olson.  Students are also collecting tax-deductible pledges and donations throughout the run of the program, documentation for which is due Wed., March 5.

Top readers and top fund-raisers in each of the Becker schools will be eligible for a variety of prizes, Olson said, including gift cards, movie tickets, AirMaxx passes, value meals, girls and boys bicycles and many other items.  The top ten classes with the most minutes read and/or pledges also quality for a pizza party at the end of the contest.
Olson provided a list of area sponsors working to make the Read-a-Thon a success, which include the following:  Sherburne State bank; Becker True Value; Becker Pizza Depot; Mueller Movie Theatres; Country Lumber; Godfather’s Pizza; AirMaxx Trampoline Park; Hunter’s Ridge; All-Star Embroidery; McDonald’s and Culvers.
Olson also said that G.R.A.B. (Go Read A Book) will be celebrated at the Primary and Intermediate schools at the finale of the Read-a-Thon project.