Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory
JUNIOR MEGAN MURPHY finished third in the all-around Thursday in Little Falls and came in seventh on vault to help her team win their fourth Granite Ridge Conference win, 135.45 - 126.75.

Le Blanc Wins All Around, Becker Wins Dual

Hannah Schmidt (34.275) placed second and Megan Murphy third (32.925) in the all-around to lead Becker to the victory over Little Falls (2-2 Granite Ridge, 2-6 overall) in Thursday’s meet on the road, 135.45 to 126.75.

The Becker gymnastics team improved to 5-0 overall and 4-0 in the Granite Ridge Conference and are currently ranked 10th in Class A gymnastics in the state.
Rachelle LeBlanc won all four events and the all-around (37.275) for Little Falls. She had a 9.475 on the floor, a 9.45 on the beam, a 9.2 on the bars and a 9.15 on the vault.
“The team gave another good solid vault performance,” said Head Coach Jen Harmoning.  “It's nice to see the consistency on this event.”
1).  LeBlanc, (LF) 9.15; 2).  Hannah Schmidt (BB) 8.9; 3).  Haley Hubbard and Sabrina Tiemens (BB) 8.8; 7).  Megan Murphy (BB) 8.35; 9).  Kassidi Andres (BB) 8.3.
“The team's routines on bars were inconsistent,” said Harmoning.  “We had some very nice routines, but we also had one fall and a couple of routines with major execution errors.”  
Harmoning said she plans to have her team work hard in the final few weeks before the section tournament to get the bar routines as clean and consistent as possible.
1).  LeBlanc (LF) 9.2; 2).  Schmidt (BB) 8.25; 3).  Haley Olsen (BB) 8.2; 4).  Hubbard (BB) 7.8; 5).  Lexi Reichle (BB) 7.6; 6).  Murphy (BB) 7.4.
“I was very pleased with the team's beam performances tonight,” said the head coach. “Unfortunately, if you look at the score results, one might think the team did not do very well.  The judges' scores were a huge disappointment and actually very puzzling all through the evening, but on this event more than the others.”  
Harmoning said Sabrina Tiemens gave an outstanding performance followed by another fabulous routine from Montanna Edling, yet the scores were inconsistent. “They got the same scores as they often do with a fall and some huge balance breaks in their routines,” said Harmoning.  
“If scores are just low overall but still consistently fair between all the gymnasts, it's disappointing but still okay because it's fair. However, when some are overly low and others are way too generous, that can be very frustrating.”  
1).  LeBlanc (LF) 9.45; 2).  Murphy (BB) 8.675; 3).  Edling (BB) 8.3; 4).  Schmidt (BB) 8.175; 5).  Reichle (BB) 8.15; 6).  Tiemens (BB) 8.1.
Harmoning’s team struggled but also excelled on the floor routine.  
“The timing of the springs was very different than our own floor and some of the girls really struggled to deal with it,” she said.  “This is something that gets easier with experience. She noted Schmidt, Edling and Hubbard had beautiful and solid routines.   “In my opinion, Hannah did the best floor performance she's ever done,” she said.  “It's nice to see her gaining confidence in what she can do because she's really very, very talented.”
1).  LeBlanc (LF) 9.475; 2).  Hubbard and Edling (BB) 9.0; 4).  Schmidt (BB) 8.95; 5).  Murphy (BB) 8.5; 7).  Reichle (BB) 7.75.
1).  LeBlanc (LF) 37.275; 2).  Schmidt (BB) 34.275; 3).  Murphy (BB) 32.925.
Next week, Becker has their final dual meets of the season, both at home.  Thursday night, they will compete against RPHF (Rush City/ Pine City/ Hinckley-Finlayson)  and if they are able to come up with the win, they will have finished the season undefeated in the conference. Friday night, they host the Perham Yellowjackets who have been state medalists for the past 10+ years.  Friday  is also Senior Night.