Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 Church Directory
CHRISTMAS FLOWERS. Congregation member Aletha St. Dennis prepared to bring the Christmas poinsettias to the altar during the "Hanging of the Greens" service at Becker United Methodist Church Sunday, which marked the beginning of Advent in the church calendar. (Photos by David Hannula.)
"HANGING OF THE GREENS." Members of the congregation at Becker United Methodist Church took part in the annual "Hanging of the Greens" at the first Advent service at the church last Sunday. The special service is a tradition at the church dating back at least 30 years.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. With the Christmas tree, wreaths, banners and candles in place, the congregation of the Becker United Methodist Church completed the decoration of the Sanctuary at the church last Sunday during the annual "Hanging of the Greens" service which marks the beginning of the Advent season each year.
XMAS CANDY. Pastor Diane Nelson told the story of the candy cane to children in the congregation at the first Advent service at the Becker Methodist Church last Sunday morning. The treat had been devised by a German pastor to help the youngsters keep focus during long Christmas services, Nelson said, and have become a tradition around the world at this time of year.

“Greens” Service Marks Start Of Advent

The congregation of Becker United Methodist Church and their guests marked the beginning of Advent last Sunday with the “Hanging of the Greens”, a special annual service that includes the presentation of Christmas flowers for the altar, the hanging of evergreen wreaths and boughs, the presentation of the Creche along with music, hymns and well-loved Christmas carols.

Pastor Diane Nelson began the service with the traditional call to worship, followed by the opening hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel.  The Children’s Moment followed, when some of the youngsters were called to join Nelson at the front of the church for a treat, while she explained the history and purpose of the candy cane, a tradition which was invented in a German church to help the children stay focused during the long Christmas service.
Volunteer bell ringer Phil Murray then performed his office, ringing the only church bell in Becker still housed in a church steeple, while the congregation sang I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.  The first of the Advent candles was then lit, followed by the presentation of colors and banners, the hanging of the greens around the chapel, arrival of the Poinsettias for the altar and the Creche.
The order of service then continued with a meditation by Pastor Nelson, followed by Holy Communion and the singing of O Come All Ye Faithful.  The service closed with the traditional Sending Forth prayer and the benediction song, O Come Let Us Adore Him.
Following the service, the congregation met for coffee and conversation in a room alongside the chapel.