CLIMB Theatre has launched a free, interactive drama podcast series for kids age four to nine. The first in the U.S., the podcast is entitled Faraway Woods, and its goal is to teach pro-social skills to children as well as exercise their imagination and creativity.
Pro-social skills are ones such as listening, empathy, teamwork and friendship. Research has shown students with higher social competence are more likely to graduate high school and have a full-time job by 25.
Students with lower social competence have higher rates of binge drinking and drug use, and have a greater chance of being arrested and spending time in juvenile detention.
Peg Wetli, executive and artistic director of CLIMB Theatre and the creator and writer of Faraway Woods said, “Hurried lifestyles and a focus on academics and enrichment activities have led to over-scheduling structured activities and academic-focused programs at the expense of playtime.”
The Faraway Woods program was developed to fill the gap and help teach the important pro-social skills to young children, as well as help promote their creativity, using fun fantasy characters like the Pladdahpelephant, Whimple Snivel and Sticky Wicky.
The program has two components: A series of interactive audio drama podcasts, and follow-up arts activities that parents can do with their children after they’ve listened to each podcast.
Parents can subscribe to Faraway Woods for free through iTunes (, Stitcher Radio (, Facebook (, or by visiting the Faraway Woods website at
Parents can also sign up on the Faraway Woods website to receive emails whenever a new episode is released.
The Faraway Woods program is funded through an Arts Learning Grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board.
CLIMB Theatre is based out of the Twin Cities, and is a national leader in providing live theatre entertainment that is also educational. CLIMB brings its plays and classes to over 300 schools throughout the upper Midwest, reaching nearly 140,000 people annually. To learn more visit