Friday, February 28th, 2025 Church Directory
BL TWP BOARD SAY Farewell to their board member Norm Leslie. (Photo by Kae Yoder.)
US SOLAR AGRIVOLTAICS members requesting the amendment of their IUP from left to right: Hadley Braaten and Peter Schmitt. (Photo by Kae Yoder.)

BL Twp. says goodbye to Norm Leslie

During the recent Big Lake Twp. meeting, Supervisor Norm Leslie requested resignation from the board effective April fourth, 2023. His reasoning is due to wanting to spend more time with his wife and family, and also his age catching up to him. He had the pleasure of working for the township for 19 years and made an impact on the board, community, and Lions Park. The board members were surprised, and even though they seemed to want to keep him, they supported his decision and wished him well. 

BLFD March report

Chief Hanson delivered the report for this meeting. There were 31 calls of service: 24 in the city, six in the Twp., one in Orrock, and there were no mutual aids. There were 110 Fire calls in total: BL City- 81, BL Twp.- 20, Orrock- five, Elk River- three, and Monticello- one. Calls of interest: three fires, three motor vehicle accidents, one gas leak/hazardous conditions, one ice rescue, and one animal rescue. 

There was also a training preplanning and tour at Cargill Nutrition in March. Finally, the area has begun seeing the telltales of spring/summer and with that comes Wildfire season. BLFD asked that residents keep in mind the rules for recreational fires. That would include keeping the size at 3x3, burning only firewood and other approved materials, and keeping water nearby at all times. If there are plans for a bigger fire, the FD asked that residents look into the DNR’s burn permit for fires larger than 3x3. 

The BLFD thanks residents for being fire safe. 

Open Forum

There were updates on the pedestrian bridge mentioned last meeting. They have a timeline for design engineer 2024, poised construction for 2025. Though they are trying to get the area looked at sooner so they would have an idea of what the dimensions will be.


Peter Schmitt and Hadley Braaten with US Solar made a request of an IUP amendment for the Shank Farm location. Their first IUP amendment was more simplistic, keeping only pollinator friendly plants in the fields. Now they were requesting an amendment to their previous IUP, giving the farmers a chance to choose how they run a portion of acres. The farmers could either choose to continue working with pollinator flowers/plants, start growing small crops, and/or small grazing livestock. 

The program in question takes in tenants who wanted to try their hand at farming and see the benefits of farming and solar power working hand in hand. Giving them 19 acres with nine solar panels and a no till farming agreement. The company also makes sure farmers have the proper training for this experience as well as having the right insurance in case anything goes wrong. 

The seeds planted with this company are a custom-made seed mix specifically for natural pollinators and bees. Braaten gave a very detailed explanation about their project, and Schmitt helped inform the board that there were no additional funds being used, that it was only to follow procedure for amending their previous IUP. 

The board gave their thoughts on the idea, Supervisor Dean Brenteson being especially weary of the kind of small grazing animals that would be allowed if that was what a farmer wanted. It was agreed, for commenting purposes, that BL Twp. board “prefer no fowl”. Schmitt did say, however, that if one should choose small animal grazing, they were leaning more towards offering sheep.

Twp. Roads

There should be an amendment made to the last meeting’s article. Due to last minute snow covering, the board had to cancel their spring tour April 18. That being said, the board made the decision to change the date for the spring road tour to Wednesday-Thursday May 3 and 4 at around 8 a.m.

Other Business

• Leslie informed the board that Food Shelf Director Sandy McClurg will be having a food shelf distribution Monday May 15. Disbursement will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the town hall;

• 2023 Recycling Day will be Saturday May 20. Gates open 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Address: Town of Big Lake maintenance bldg. 20150 166th st NW.

• Supervisor Bruce Aubol attended a meeting where a resident requested a liquor license for the ability to operate and start a small winery on their property. Neighbors agreed would be a great idea.

• Next BL twp meeting May 10 at 6 p.m.

• Reminder, 2023 reconvening of Annual town meeting will be held Wednesday September 13 at 6 p.m.