Friday, February 28th, 2025 Church Directory

Big Lake Twp. talks roads

Last week’s Big Lake Twp. board meeting was lacking in normal business, but the board had plenty to discuss regarding upcoming road projects.


The board discussed upcoming road projects for the summer. Specifically, the board discussed projects on 166th and 172nd (both north of Hwy. 10, east of the industrial park). They hoped to do maintenance on these roads in collaboration with the city, but, at the time of the meeting, had not yet heard back from the city engineer. 

During the recent road tour, the road committee also found that 205th Ave. was in need of upkeep (the road on which Liberty Elementary is located), though this road was not originally in the plan for this year. 

“We’re going to use all our resources,” said treasurer Ken Warneke. 

The board discussed the possibility of needing to draw from the general fund or take out a loan in order to complete the projects.


The township road committee reported their findings on specifications for culverts. They looked into HDPE pipes, which are a bit cheaper, but have a possibility of collapse, and require more attention. The board decided to stick with their old CMP pipes instead.

Trading Roads with the County

There will be a public hearing June 23 at 6 p.m. to discuss two roads changing hands. Co. Rd. 79 would be transferred to the township to maintain, while 209th Ave. would become a new county road. Both of these roads are located east of the city, off of Co. Rd. 15. 

As a part of this process, the township would be required to pay for a part of the reconstruction on 209th, estimated to cost about $379,000, which would occur next year. 

The reason for the exchange is that traffic patterns have changed, with more vehicles using 209th over Co. Rd. 79. The county maintains the higher volume roads. Since 79 is not as busy as it once was, the maintenance will revert to the township. 

The board felt it was getting the better end of that deal. Even though they would have to pay for reconstruction on 209th, they are getting a road that was recently reconstructed and in excellent shape, and has a lower volume of traffic, so it will be cheaper to maintain going forward.

Sheriff’s report

Sgt. Luke McLean of the Sherburne County Sheriff’s office reported that the department has been busier this year over last year. More calls and traffic stops are being made in the county. Several complaints from Knick Knack Knoll led to an increased officer presence in that area. McLean also reported on a recent house fire (the house was lost, but the family and pets escaped unharmed), mailbox vandalism, and an incident of teenagers out past curfew. 

In Other Business, the Board:

• Heard the treasurer’s report;

• Announced the county is looking for residents to participate in the broadband speed test (the link to this can be found at the township’s website);

• Approved the removal of the old BLFD turnout gear, after the helpful reminder from attendee Eric Rosa.