Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 Church Directory

Becker Council Adopts Budget, Levy, Welcomes New Officers

Treasurer Corey Boyer presented the 2014 budget and levy while the Becker Police Dept. honored two officers during Tuesday’s city council meeting at city hall.

Officer Recognitions
Police Chief Brent Baloun welcomed officer Chris Lindbloom to the force and swore him in. Lindbloom stood alongside his wife Brittany as he placed his hand on the Bible and took the policeman’s oath of duty.
Lindbloom and his wife live in Sartell.
Baloun also mentioned the promotion to sergeant  he bestowed to officer Jason Lawson. Lawson will fulfill the duties relinquished when the department lost fellow public servant Greg Bratt to cancer a few years ago.
2014 Budget and Levy
Boyer gave a powerpoint presentation that summarized the 2014 budget and levy along with departmental capital improvement plans.
Boyer identified the overall city budget at $9.7 million along with the operating revenue budget  and operating expenditure budget ($6,183,574). The proposed tax levy would increase by 9.43% from $4.7 million in 2013 to $5.2 million in 2014. Boyer noted the city will not be receiving Utility Valuation Transition Aid that helps compensate cities and towns for reductions in their tax base due to department of revenue value change.
Also, Boyer says residential and commercial properties are getting a “bigger piece of the pie” since utility property in Becker is seeing a significant decline in value for taxes payable in 2014.
City Administrator Greg Pruszinske addressed the budget and levy presentation and gave nine closing points he’d like to see focused on in 2014.
• Fund CIP and catch up on deferred maintenance;
• Aggressively pursue economic development:
• Actively manage the city’s $12.4 million debt;
• Aggressively manage the city’s risk;
• Leverage technology for efficiency and service delivery;
• Secure a well site to meet the city’s water needs;
• Share resources and eliminate duplication of services;
• Improve process and procedure to maximize efficiency.
The public hearing officially opened at 6:42 p.m. and resident Adam Maskowski approached the podium.
“I don’t agree with the 9% increase,” he said. “I see some areas the city can cut and I don’t think this city needs another police officer. Managing risk — especially at the golf course — needs to be done better.
Maskowski noted he will be seeing a $770 increase in total taxes because of the levy and an increase in his property valuation.
Lori Keller said she is concerned about the fact the city better plan for a future without Sherco because the future is unknown. She asked Pruszinske how much industrial park growth would need to occur to cover the lost tax revenue from Sherco should they close their doors.
“$200 million?,” asked Keller. 
The last speaker during the open forum was Edward Rheum who said he and his wife just recently became new members of the Becker community. Rheum went on to say he had the privilege of getting a small job at the golf course this past summer and was impressed with the city’s prized asset.
“I’ve been all around the country and have lived in many places including Florida where I played golf a lot and I wanted to say this Pebble Creek golf course is a diamond in the rough,” he said. “I think the staff out there is doing a great job but something needs to be done to market the golf course and start making some real money. I’m amazed it isn’t making a lot of money.”
Fee Schedules
Boyer presented council with the proposed 2014 fee schedule and highlighted five items that are changing from last year:
• Hydrant/water fill station hookup is increasing $5 from $25 to $30;
• After hours water and sewer installation inspections and emergency call-outs are increasing $50 from $150 to $200 (up to two hours);
• Utility charges are seeing rate increases for water and sewer along with grass cutting fees;
• Sanding (charged by the yard) will increase $20 from $45 a yard to $65 a yeard;
• Rentals of city equipment will need to add public works operator rate as a total fee.
Resolution 13-66 adopting the final golf enterprise fund budget for the city was passed.
Resolution 13-67 adopting the water, domestic sewer and industrial sewer fund budgets passed.
Resolution 13-64 removing a property incorrectly notified on the assessment roll was passed and will be reviewed to set in motion a future public hearing to reconsider assessment for the improvements.
Resolution 13-62 rescheduling the Feb. 4 city council meeting to the next day, Feb. 5 was passed to allow for the precinct caucuses to occur.
The next Becker City Council meeting is Dec. 17 at 5 p.m.