Tuesday, the Becker City Council held their Truth in Taxation meeting. The Truth in Taxation meeting gives taxpayers the opportunity to hear about the city’s proposed budget and tax levy for the upcoming year, while giving them the opportunity to voice their opinions on the subject.
Finance Director Mark Ebensteiner gave the presentation of the budget and levy. The levy this year will be $9,813,299, up 9.4% from last year’s levy of $8,973,299. Ebensteiner shared the breakdown of the budget, showing where each tax dollar went. Roughly (give or take about five percent) one third of the budget goes to each of three categories: Administrative services/general government, public safety, and public services.
Mark Kolbinger spoke to voice his opposition to the increase in the levy. He said the increase in spending seemed excessive to him, and while the council could not control what property values were or what the net tax capacity is, they do determine how much they spend. He also noted that a lot of the council’s business was conducted in executive sessions, while council meetings were finished oftentimes in under 30 minutes. He suggested the council conduct more of their business during the council meetings in order to be more transparent, therefore allowing the taxpayers to better understand the necessity for the spending.
Council Member Rick Hendrickson responded to Kolbinger’s comments by saying that this would be the last year that all three Sherco plants would be in operation. In order to take advantage of the taxes received from Xcel energy, the city moved up some of their streets projects to be completed this year. As the Sherco units are decommissioned, that tax base will be transferred to the other taxpayers. Hendrickson noted the streets projects took up about half of the increase in spending. The other half was to pay for increased electricity, gas, and diesel prices to keep city government and street maintenance going.
Committee Reports
Before the Truth in Taxation meeting at 6 p.m., the council held their regular meeting. The started by giving committee reports.
Budget and Finance noted that Becker Community Center memberships are now up to 921. They also discussed the past due utility bills and the public works contract.
Police Management noted that they had extended an offer of employment for a part-time officer position and were waiting to hear back. They heard an update on the facility study. New body cams and thermal cameras were integrated into the department.
Xcel Energy committee noted an exchange of information between Xcel, the school district, the county, and the city.
Golf committee noted they would be reviewing JPA rules.
Parks and Rec heard a presentation on disc golf and got some new nets. They are considering expanding the sledding area at the City Park. They are working on creating ice at the ice skating rink at Kolbinger Park.
Joint planning approved a preliminary and final plat for the Gapen family.
Planning Commission called for a public hearing regarding solar energy ordinance to take place December 19.
In Other Business,the Council:
• Approved a labor agreement with streets and parks staff;
• Called for a public hearing regarding updates to the city fee schedule which will take place December 20;
• Annexed three properties into the city.