Friday, December 20th, 2024 Church Directory
Mayor Paul Knier congratulates Council Member Sam Hanson for his many years of service. (Patriot Photo by Don Bellach).

BL Council wishes Hanson success

All members of the Big Lake City Council were present Wed., Dec. 11.  The meeting marked the end of Sam Hanson’s term as he did not seek re-election this past November.  Before presenting him with an award for years of service, Mayor Paul Knier mentioned that “he could return again”.  

Hanson simply smiled. 

A resolution passed unanimously and highlighted some of the many accomplishments that Hanson had been a part of during his term from 2021-2024.  Hanson served on the Big Lake Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Organization, the Big Lake Community Lakes Association, and Education Advisory Council among others.  The council expressed its sincere appreciation for “Council Member Hanson’s unselfish dedication of time and commitment in serving the city and its residents.”

Hanson thanked the council and his wife, who he said was his ear when he needed to talk about something.  Hanson remarked that his departure was “bittersweet”.  He said he “really enjoyed his time on the council and had met many people, made many friends, and been a part of some really great events that were near and dear to him, but he was looking forward to spending more time with his wife and son, owning a business, and spending more time with the BL Fire Department.” 

Tree Lighting Ceremony

Ketti Green stood up during the open forum to thank everyone for making the tree lighting on Dec. 5 a success.  Green coordinated the event that partnered with the BLFD to benefit the Big Lake Area Food Shelf.  Green noted the event raised $340 in donations and 65 lbs of food were collected. 

City Fees

Finance Director Deb Wegeleben spoke briefly before opening a public hearing on upcoming changes to some city fees.  She highlighted a number of changes and noted changes to fees for water and sewer.  Residential, multi-family, and irrigation water fees would decrease five percent and commercial water fees would do the same.  Industrial water usage would increase.  Residential wastewater (sewer) fees would increase from $9.17 to $9.90 per 1K gallons.  The proposed increase in sewer would be used in anticipation for upcoming expansion. 

The public hearing was closed and a motion was proposed to approve an ordinance adopting the 2025 Fee Schedule effective Jan. 1, 2025.  That motion was passed unanimously. 

Tax Levy

Shortly after the public hearing, the council formally approved the 2025 Final Property Tax Levy for the City of Big Lake and the 2025 Big Lake Economic Development Authority (BLEDA).   Separate motions were approved for all city budgets and for the city pay grade and pay scale.  The Fire Joint Powers budget was approved as well as pay grade and scale. 

Consent Agenda

A simple subdivision of land located at the southeast corner of Minnesota Ave. and 180th St. was presented to the Planning Commission on Dec. 2.  The commission voted 5-0 in favor of recommending the approval of the resolution.  One of the parcels, Lot One, Block One of Outlet B of the Big Lake Business Park Addition, would allow construction of a 20,480 sq. ft. building for Covenant Christian Academy. 

Marie Pflipsen was appointed to the Community Development Director position effective Jan. 13, 2025 upon successful completion of a background check.  Pflipson was one of nine who applied for the position and one of five who were interviewed. 

Council also recognized Jim Dickinson, Ken Geroux, and Cory Ellingson for their contributions to the Big Lake Community.  Dickinson spent 27 years and Geroux spent seven on the BLEDA.  Ellingson was on the Parks Advisory Committee for three years.