Thursday, September 19th, 2024 Church Directory


To The Editor:

As we prepare to leave the area, we want to thank you. In 1989, I and later Marty found work in Becker which encouraged us to build a home in Santiago Township. Our son, Joshua, began attending Becker Schools wh...

To The Editor:

Imagine for a moment that the wind mills that once powered America’s farms improved and multiplied over the years and were now supplying this nation with their unquestionably-clean energy. Got the picture?   Now...

To The Editor:

Its time the elected officials in the city of Becker spend a little more time talking about and fixing the unsafe intersection problem we have in our city and stop bickering about the golf course. There are mult...

To The Editor:

I am frustrated that Monday night's hearings were not balanced.  There were no representatives from the medical, scientific, or environmental community on the agenda and and only three local citizens were allowe...

To The Editor:

Opportunity for good will, cimmunity building, fun, missed.   Sept. 10, approximately 100 Becker alumni gathered for the annual All School Amumni Luncheon. We met, hugged, talked, laughed, remembered high school...

Basc A Place To Gather And Grow

Do not regret growing older. It is a privelege denied to many. - Unknown. We are an aging population. Although growing older brings aches and pains, it also brings wisdom and hopefully a chance to enjoy our gol...

War Room Is Worth A Look

I just read via the internet that over the Labor Day weekend, a faith-based film called War Room, took home the top spot among movie goers. It just so happens my wife, Terri and her sister, Linda went and saw th...

Memories Of A Teacher From Many Years Ago

Florence Lundsten never stood in a classroom in front of me. But it doesn’t mean our education paths didn’t cross. Florence, affectionately named “Flossie” by my dad, Franklin, was lifelong in education in the T...

Blood Sport

We should be used to it by now, all the violence and death, or perpetually numb to it. That might be a better way, but somehow we are not.   And I’m not talking about the idiotic, senseless deaths of two bright ...

Celebrating The Blessing Of Family

Family ties are precious threads, no matter where we roam, they draw us close to those we love, and pull our hearts toward home.   Genealogy is a Greek word, also known as family history. It is the study of fa...

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