Thursday, October 17th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor

It has been brought to my attention that the “Big Tree” on the Intermediate School playground will be cut down this summer. This is a very special tree that is treasured by so many. I’ve been told that it is the oldest and biggest tree in Becker, a landmark.

The students enjoy playing their games of kickball, football, it is home plate and the end zone at times. Classrooms sit under the shade that the big tree provides while reading or socializing.
One of my dear students I have the pleasure to see every school day asked me if  I would write this letter and try to save our “big tree.” Last summer, three smaller trees had been taken down on our playground. I felt so bad for the students for the trees were second and third base and the other tree was a beautiful shad tree.
I have been told that the center of the “big tree” is rotting, I have a hard time believing this as the students and I watched the tree put on buds and beautiful leaves this spring.
Please, please reconsider taking down this beautiful piece of nature. You have no idea how much it means to everyone.
Marie Neuman,
Becker Intermediate School
Becker, MN.