Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor

A message to Troy Malo and those suggesting the city does not allow him to do his job in the same manner as other department heads. Real leaders take the blame and give the credit – not the other way around. Keep in mind too that your emails or comments are a public document open for others to interpret. Second the old saying in any business is "if you’re not taking care of your customers, someone else will be more than happy to".

The other departments heads and their departments are essential functions that every resident needs throughout the year (water sewer, public works etc.). The comparison to water and sewer is, according to the League of Minnesota Cities and the MN State Legislature, ran as an enterprise fund because it is the law. Mr Malo's department is a discretionary function deemed necessary to those that choose to use it.
Should Mr. Malo's department be managed differently? That is up to the citizens and the city council not members of the media or those that have undue influence by manner of opinion and/or do not live or pay taxes in Becker. As a resident and taxpayer in Becker my opinion is to let the public vote or sell. Those two options should remove all conflicts of interest by the city and it's employees. 
Under the circumstances, I hope the opinion of the editor in last weeks paper does not undermine the efforts of the department heads and their employees. They all do a great job of delivering the essential services we need and receive a lesser amount of recognition than Troy Malo. Read the paper and judge for yourself. 
Adam Maskowski,
Becker, MN.