Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor

A petition was mailed to us recently from the Briggs Lake Chain Association asking for our signature to form the Briggs Chain Lake Improvement District. We have been BLCA members for over 10 years and have supported all of the association’s efforts to improve water quality.

From what I understand the LID will be a better structure for solving our lakes’ problems. I am most concerned about the many high water events we have and all the nutrients from upstream in the Elk River.
We need to be able to control water levels and flood waters coming into the lakes. And now with Eurasian watermilfoil found in Rush Lake it is even more important to have a LID. As I understand it the Lid will provide substainable funding for such things as controlling water levels and Eurasianwatermilfoil. And it will be equal  to all property owners, because everybody will share in the costs as well as the benefits of living on the lakes.
We support the LID, and like many others who want to clean up the lakes, will sign the petition for developing a lake improvement district for the lake chain.
Don and Judy Haus,
Clear Lake, MN.