Friday, March 14th, 2025 Church Directory

Community Announcements 12/21/2013

Becker Area Chamber of Commerce Expo

– looking for vendors to participate in the 21st Annual Becker Business Expo Jan. 25, 2014. Home based businesses are welcome.
Contact the Becker Area Chamber of Commerce at 763-262-2420 or
for registration forms or for information.
Cardboard/Newspaper Collection Drop-off
- Becker Boy Scout Troop 92 invites you to recycle your flattened cardboard, office paper and newspaper.
Bring these items to the west side of the Becker Food Pride parking lot Sat., Jan. 4, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Flatten all cardboard.
For information call Kevin 320-743-2591 or Mike 763-263-0858.
Wellness And Weight Loss Support Group
– at Palmer Township hall, 4180 - 105th Ave., Co. Rd. 6 and 42nd St., the second and fourth Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. 
Bring tips, recipes and topics of interest. Everyone welcome.
Becker Lions Collecting Items To Recycle 
– items are: eye glasses, hearing aids, cell phones and printer ink cartridges. 
Collection boxes are located at the Becker Community Center (entryway) and Insight Eye Care.
Becker Legion And Auxiliary Meeting 
– is the second Wednesday of every month at 8 p.m.
Becker American Legion Bingo
– fun for everyone, play bingo every first and third Wednesday, 6:30-9 p.m. at Becker Legion.
Smoke free and alcohol free, all ages welcome. Help support your local Legion.
DivorceCare – for Adults, Teens & Kids
–DivorceCare is a weekly support group designed to help those recovering from separation or divorce face their challenges and move toward rebuilding their life.  
DivorceCare & DC4K is an auxiliary program designed just for students grade 6-12 and kids age 4-grade 5.  You are invited to join us anytime Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Riverside Church.  
Contact Judy at 763-263-2410 or for more information and to register. 
Becker AA Meeting
- Area 35 Alcoholics Anonymous District 5 meets Thursdays at 8 p.m. at Church of Mary of the Visitation (12100 Sherburne Ave.),  Becker.
For information call 763-275-0110 or visit
Becker Al-Anon/AC Meeting
– Thursdays at 8 p.m. at Church of Mary of the Visitation (12100 Sherburne Ave.),  Becker.
Call  763-275-0110.
Big Lake AA Meetings
– Monday nights at 7 p.m. Location is Church of Mary of The Visitation, (440 Lake St. North) Big Lake.
Any questions contact Dean M. at 763-263-2855.
Clearwater-Clear Lake Food Shelf
– open Mondays 5:30-7 p.m., Tuesdays 9-11a.m. and 6-8 p.m., Wednesdays 3-5 p.m. and is in the brown Lions Community Building beneath the water tower in Clearwater.  We service residents of Clearwater and Clear Lake.
G.A.L.A. Meetings
- G.A.L.A. stands for “Get A Life Again”.  This is a group of widows and widowers.  They meet twice a month to eat out and socialize.  The events are held at different places around the surrounding counties. There are also different card groups that meet monthly.
If interested contact Lorraine Theis at 763-263-0202 or Gwen Chamberlin at 763-295-6105.
Monticello Cancer Center Offering Free Nutrition Class for Cancer Patients and Survivors
– on the second Wednesday of every month at 1 p.m. at the Monticello Cancer Center. 
Topics addressed include benefits of good nutrition, managing eating problems during treatment, how to read food labels and how to eat well after cancer treatment ends. 
For information about these informative nutrition education classes, call the Monticello Cancer Center at 763-271-2800. 
Living With Parkinson’s Under The Age Of 60
- If you or anyone you know is 60 or under and has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, you are welcome to join a newly forming group. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m. at Saron Lutheran Church in Big Lake.
Specific topics will be scheduled along with open forum. Questions call Camille Johnson at 763-350-7401.
Knitting/Crochet Night
– is the first and third Tuesday night of each month at Cafe Pawz, 6:30-8:30 p.m., join as your schedule allows. All ages and levels of yarn lovers welcome.  
Working towards creating items to donate locally if you'd like to help.
Celebrate Recovery
- Become free from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits.  Women’s group meets Monday’s at 7 at Riverside Church.  
For information, call 763-263-2410 or visit  
Becker PTSA 2014 Family Movie Series
- Becker PTSA is offering the 2014 family movie series tickets again this year. Six movies for only $6 at the Monticello 15 and Rogers 18 Theatres. Movies begin showing Jan. 18 through Feb. 23 at 10:40 a.m. and 1 p.m. each Saturday and Sunday.  
This series of six movies offers a variety of entertainment for children of all ages and interest. The tickets may be purchased all ages two and up, including parents. Part of the proceeds of each ticket will be donated to the school.  
The featured movies are Escape From the Planet Earth, Epic, The Croods, Turbo, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 and Despicable Me 2.  Students will get a free ticket for any general admission movie if their family purchases five or more Family Movie Series tickets.
To purchase your tickets, forms are available at school offices or  go to the PTSA website, send completed form with payment to your child’s school Attn. Becker PTSA. Your tickets will be delivered to your student prior to winter break and will be available again through January.  
If you have any question, contact  Lisa Miner 612-669-1825 or Ann Olson 612-889-2206.
Smoking Cessation Class 
– Weds., Jan. 8,6-7:30 p.m. at  CentraCare Health – Monticello. Keep your New Year’s resolution this year! Dr. Nabeel Ailabouni, DO, CentraCare Clinic – Big Lake, will provide an informative and interactive class designed to help you quit smoking. Learn about smoking cessation techniques such as nicotine replacement, laser therapy, hypnosis, Wellbutrin, Chantix and more. Learn how smoking impacts your overall health while picking up useful tips to help you put down that cigarette once and for all. 
This class will be held at CentraCare Health – Monticello in Conference Room A. Cost is $5.
Call 763-271-2384 to register to attend.