Thursday, March 13th, 2025 Church Directory
DAZZLER VARSITY CAPTAINS Heather Sanders (L), Madison Anderson (M) and Lindsey Baloun (R) posed with the first place trophy they acquired at Thursday’s dual against Albany at home.
THE DAZZLERS dance team showed their intensity Thursday in winning a home dual against Albany.

Dazzlers Take First Place In Home Dual

The Becker High School varsity and JV dance teams competed during halftimes of the varsity and JV boys basketball games against Albany Thursday night. 

Both teams took home the first place championship trophies.
The varsity team achieved an average score of 62 versus the Albany Pawettes’ average score of 56.5. Both teams were judged by JAM officials following the Minnesota State High School League scoring guidelines. 
The Albany JV team forfeited the match, resulting in the JV championship going to Becker. This is the second straight first place win for the JV team after beating Albany last Saturday on the road.
Thursday’s event was the first dance dual the Dazzlers have hosted and participated in. Dance duals are a good way for teams to see how they measure up to competition and to see where they are currently scoring for the season.
Albany Invitational
The Dazzlers varsity and JV dance teams competed for the first time this season at the Albany High School Invitational last Saturday. 
The Dazzlers performed against Albany, Melrose, Monticello, Rocori, St. Cloud Apollo and St. Cloud Cathedral in both the High Kick and Jazz Class AA events. 
“As this was our first competition of the season and only our second performance, I was excited for our team entering the competition, but also a little anxious about how the athletes would do at our first competition when competing against teams that already had a competitive event or two under their belts,” said Head Coach Laura Anderson. 
“As coaches, we all saw great strength in each of the four routines competed (varsity high kick and jazz and JV high kick and jazz) and our scores reflected the hard work that the girls have put forth this season,” she said.
"We achieved scores at our first event of the 2013-2014 season that we earned at the end of the 2012-2013 season at the section tournament,” said Coach Julie Baloun.
Varsity Squad
In varsity high kick, the team took fifth place and earned an average score of 60.8 versus the average score of 46.2 (a 14.6 point gain) from the first competition last year  and versus an average score of 55.28 (a 5.52 point gain) from the section tournament last spring.
The varsity jazz team had similar score increase results and took an impressive fourth place spot, directly behind highly- ranked teams from Cathedral, Rocori and Apollo.
had similar score increase results and took an impressive fourth place spot, directly behind highly- ranked teams from Cathedral, Rocori and Apollo.
JV Squad
The Dazzlers JV teams executed their routines solidly and took home the first place trophy for jazz and the third place spot for high kick. 
This is the first year that the JV teams are competing for the entire season (versus one or two competitions for most team members last season). 
“I am encouraged by the start of the competitive season for the JV teams,” said JV Coach Bridget Teigland. “The athletes do such a great job of engaging the audience (and judges) and executing their routines and I am confident that this affected our placement at the Albany Invitational.”
“The Becker athletes did an outstanding job their first time out this season,” said Baloun. “Comments from fans and other spectators were very positive.”
"We have a few areas in our routines that we see we can go back to practice and ‘clean’, but overall our choreography and execution was very well received by the judges,” said Coach Anderson. “I am excited — not to see what this dance season brings for us — but rather, what the Becker dance team can bring to this dance season.”
Albany Results:
Varsity Jazz
1) St. Cloud Cathedral; 2) Rocori; 3) St. Cloud Apollo; 4) Becker;  5) Monticello; 6) Melrose; 7) Albany.
Varsity High Kick
1) St. Cloud Cathedral; 2) Rocori; 3) St. Cloud Apollo; 4) Albany; 5) Becker; 6) Monticello; 7) Melrose. 
The Dazzlers have a very full competitive schedule in January with two conference meets and three invitationals. The Granite Ridge high kick and jazz conference meet is the next competitive venue and will be held Thurs., Jan. 9 at St. Cloud Cathedral High School. 
The Dazzlers follow up with competition at the Rocori Invitational Jan. 11. For more details, please check out the Dazzlers' website at