Thursday, February 6th, 2025 Church Directory
CONSTRUCTION CREWS continued working diligently this week on getting the Becker High School Football Stadium finished in time for the regular season that starts Aug. 31st on the road at Hill Murray. The first home game will be Sept. 8 versus Providence Academy. (Patriot Photo by Bill Morgan).

Are you ready for some football?

With the month of July coming to an end and fall (dare we say?) just around the corner, the talk of football will soon be spilling from everyone’s mouths as Labor Day and the new school year soon approaches.

But what is most exciting to many people around the area is the emergence of a brand new football field and stadium that is being erected at Becker High School this summer. In the last week or so, crews have been laying the beautiful field turf where the old, clumpy grass field once lay. The end zones have been painted the school colors with the names, Becker Bulldogs displayed from sideline to sideline.

The stadium’s seating will generally stay the same on both sides (with some improvements) but another exciting aspect is a giant, state-of-the-art LED screen scoreboard being fabricated that will rise high above the field (courtesy of EMR). A new concession stand building is also being erected as well as many other great improvements.

Also, in recognition of his 50+ years of dedicated service, Becker’s  head football coach, Dwight Lundeen, will have the new stadium named after him while the field will remain Eppard Field.

Get ready folks because before you know it, leaves will fall and Becker’s new stadium will rise to greet players, fans and families in no time at all.

Are you ready?