Feb. 10: 1 medical. 1 agency assist/fire. 1 lock out. 1 public assist. 1 property damage accident. 1 agency assist/foot pursuit. 1 underage possession tobacco citation. 1 equipment warning/no proof insurance citation.
Feb. 11: 2 speed warnings. 2 record checks. 1 no pay. 1 parking complaint. 1 expired tabs warning/no proof insurance citation. 1 lift assist. 1 equipment warning. 1 fail to dim headlights warning.
Feb. 12: 1 winter parking ordinance violation citation. 4 speed warnings. 1 motorist assist. 1 record check. 1 stop sign citation. 1 criminal history/peddler’s permit. 1 parking complaint. 1 speed/no proof citation
Feb. 13: 2 medicals. 2 agency assist/property damage accident. 1 motorist assist. 1 check welfare.
Feb. 14: 1 traffic complaint. 1 agency assist/uncooperative male. 1 fraud. 1 animal. 1 check welfare. 1 speed warning/suspended object warning. 2 speed citations. 3 speed warnings. 1 agency assist/traffic stop. 1 speed citation. 1 lane usage warning. 1 agency assist/attempt to locate. 1 speed warning/no proof citation.
Feb. 15: 2 speed citations. 5 speed warnings. 1 use of lights warning. 1 lock out. 1 traffic complaint. 1 agency assist/check welfare. 2 civils. 1 driving after suspension citation/possession of drug paraphernalia. 1 equipment warning. 1 driver’s license violation warning.
Feb. 16: 2 speed warning. 1 suspicious person/possession small amount of marijuana/possession drug paraphernalia. 1 agency assist/deliver message. 1 agency assist/assault. 1 suspicious vehicle. 1 domestic. 1 found property. 1 speed warning/no proof citation. 1 use of lights warning/no proof insurance warning. 1 equipment warning.