Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Becker Police Department

Activity Report of the Becker Police Department for the week of January 13th – January 19th:





vehicle lockout


juvenile concern


juvenile concern


record check


permit to purchase


public assist


extra patrol


fail to dim high beams warning




extra patrol


RO showed revoked drivers license / driver was not RO and valid


security check


extra patrol


security check


security check


agency assist


public safety


stop sign warning


warrant arrest


suspicious activity


extra patrol


driving conduct warning


extra patrol


equipment warning


extra patrol


mental health


security check


extra patrol


extra patrol


expired registration warning


welfare check


medical alarm


record check


record check


traffic complaint




public safety


miscellaneous officer


fire alarm


handsfree violation warning


extra patrol


speed warning


drive without headlights warning


extra patrol




expired registration warning


record check


vehicle lockout


expired registration warning


public safety


expired registration warning


expired registration warning


speed warning


road hazard


extra patrol


speed warning


speed warning


public assist


stops sign warning


expired registration warning




expired registration warning


speed warning


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


speed Citation #010


road hazard


miscellaneous officer




public assist


expired registration warning


equipment warning


extra patrol


speed warning


speed warning


extra patrol


expired registration warning


speed Citation #011


equipment warning


welfare check


driving after suspension Citation #012


expired registration / equipment warning


equipment warning


speed warning


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


public assist


stop sign warning


extra patrol


speed Citation #013


miscellaneous officer


speed warning


speed Citation #014




equipment / no proof of insurance warnings / speed Citation #015


speed warning


extra patrol


speed warning


extra patrol


speed warning


speed warning


extra patrol


speed warning


speed warning


speed Citation #016


dog complaint


driving after cancellation #018


speed Citation #017


speed warning


extra patrol




DANCO violation




extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


speed warning


expired registration warning


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


agency assist


extra patrol


public assist


extra patrol


security check


speed Citation #019


extra patrol


extra patrol


extra patrol


security check


warrant arrest / driving after revocation / no proof of insurance Citation #220

welfare check