Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 Church Directory


Refuge Hosts 11,331 Sandhill Cranes

The slender trunks of Poplar trees burn white against a backdrop of gold in the late afternoon sun. As the light diminishes further, a melodic trilling can be heard as Sandhill Cranes fly in graceful V's to the ...

Students Honor Veteran's Day

Clfd Gets Two Lucas Devices From Lions For Heart Attack Victims

The Clear Lake Fire Dept. has two new tools in their arsenal to help victims of sudden cardiac arrest.   Earlier this year, members of the Clear Lake Lions donated $32,000 to the CLFD for the purchase of two LUC...

Home Explorers 4 H Club

Coloring Contest Winners

Prize Winning Author To Visit Becker Library

Author William Kent Krueger will read from and discuss his latest book “Windigo Island” (2014), and his famous coming-of-age novel “Ordinary Grace” (2013), when he visits the Becker Public Library on Monday, Nov...

Area Veterans Day Observances Planned

A number of area schools and organizations will host Veterans Day programs to honor past and current members of the Armed Forces.   Clearview Elementary School will host their program beginning at 8:30 a.m. on W...

‘Community Partners’ Hear Development Ideas

The Sherburne County Community Partners organization held a meeting last Wednesday at The Brickyard in Clear Lake to hear presentations on a variety of topics including population gain and economic development i...

Becker T.A.L.K. Program To Host Event

A program titled “Developmental Assets: Building Blocks for Healthy Development and Youth Success” will be held in the Teaching and Learning Center at Becker High School Tues., Nov. 10 beginning at 6:30 p.m.  Th...

Becker Robotics Program Expanding

The Becker School District began a new venture with robotics teams in Grades 4-9 this year, offering younger students the same opportunities that the BHS Robotics Team has been experiencing in First Robotics® ev...

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