Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 Church Directory


Mc Kay Receives Cl Firefighter Of The Year Award

Each year the Clear Lake Fire Dept chooses a firefighter who stands out in integrity and dedication to the fire department and the community. Assistant Fire Chief Chad McKay is the most recent to be chosen for t...

Bhs Students Compete In Choir Contest

Nearly 80 Becker High School choir members participated in the vocal solo and ensemble contest on Weds., Feb. 3 at Rocori High School. Each student prepared, memorized and performed a solo, duet or an ensemble f...

Squidbots ‘Cooperatition’ Their Way To State

They came, they saw, they designed, they battled. The Squidbots, a home-schooled robotics team consisting of six Clear Lake and Becker students, competed in a battle of the brains in the FIRST Tech Challenge Min...

Clearview Kids Dive Into Empty Bowls

A group of Clearview students are doing their part to make sure area residents have food on their tables.    On Feb. 2 teacher Kathy Gerdts-Senger’s art room became a pottery studio as a group of fourth, fifth a...

County Promoting Employee Wellness

Employees who are healthy are more motivated, more productive and take fewer days off work.    Those are just a few reasons some businesses have started workplace wellness programs.   A study by the Minnesota De...

Reading Make Kids Smile

Members of the Clearwater Lions presented a special program Saturday - Storytime with the Lions.   February is Dental Health Month, so there was a good reason for the Lions to choose stories that promoted good d...

Hhs Dealing With Staff Turnover

Helping people can be a rewarding experience.    But sometimes it can be a stressful job.   Sherburne County Health & Human Services (HHS) is dealing with a high turnover rate in its department, partially be...

Opposition Stalls Township Road Project

After a 45-minute discussion at a special meeting Friday, the Clearwater Twp. Board of Supervisors voted to table its decision on the road reconstruction project at the intersection of Illsley Ave. and 125th Str...

Robotics Team Hosts Scrimmage, Build Inspection

The Becker Robotics team is putting in a lot of extra hours getting their competition robot done for upcoming regionals.   Last Friday, Becker hosted a build gathering and small scrimmage with Elk River, Milaca ...

Censure Of Mayor Proceeds Through Council

The censure of the mayor that was tabled at the last Becker City Council meeting, was ultimately approved by council and legally instituted, starting Tuesday.   Mayoral Censure Following the last council meeting...

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