Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Week 3: Feeling Great, But Weight Not Coming Off

I started the week at 177 pounds and had lost 14 pounds in the two weeks since we started Isagenix. By the end of this week, I only lost one pound.

My wife, Terri, had much of the same, going up a pound or two, losing a pound or two and ending up at the same weight she started the week at.
Thursday, we sat down with our coach and trainer Kristi Youngdahl to go over a few things. She reviewed our journals and - though we had been following the program pretty much to a “T” - she was thinking we may have to EAT MORE to lose weight.
Eat more to lose weight? To me that sounded like an oxymoron and I had her explain it to me.
Kristi said she assumes our bodies are “pulling back” from burning fat because it isn’t being supplied with enough food and is protecting the body from going into starvation mode when we don’t eat enough between meals. 
Basically she said, when we eat, we stoke our metabolism and the body starts burning fat and if the “fire” that stokes the metabolism doesn’t stay fully stoked, the body holds back on doing what it needs to help you lose weight.
It’s way more complicated than that but that’s what stood out in my mind when she explained things.
So, instead of having two shakes for breakfast and lunch and two “snacks” between those meals and then a high-protein dinner, we are now going to have our usual two shakes for breakfast and lunch, but our “snacks” are now going to be like regular meals, only in smaller portions. Everything else will stay the same.
Kristi explained that the Isagenix kits people purchased are for the general consumers and it usually takes a little tweaking of the products and menus to get the best benefit out of the program.
Though we haven’t lost much, if any weight this week on the scale, Terri and I are seeing the positive results from the products in our everyday energy, our alertness, our self-esteem and our clothes where we are definitely feeling some space between the material and our bodies.
I can’t say enough good things this product has done for Terri. She has suffered from anxiety, depression, stomach issues, intestinal issues, acid reflux and so on and she is completely  a new person! She told me this week she is no longer on any meds, her acid reflux has disappeared, she’s feeling more energetic and she’s growing in confidence on who she is as a woman.
Just those things has made this commitment well worth the investment of money, discipline and time.
We’ll be heading into our fourth week of our 30-day challenge, so I’ll have one article next week describing how week four went, then have a final article the next week either toasting or tearing down the Isagenix system.
Unless something ultra disastrous happens, I think we all know how the fifth article will turn out.
Have a great week!