Ray is a retired farmer; Dennis D. is a retired nurse; Dennis C. is retired from the Air Force; what do they all have in common? They are all mentoring youth as Foster Grandpa’s with the Foster Grandparent Program. Does their life’s work matter in becoming a Foster Grandpa? Not at all; what matters is that they want to help children thrive and they sometimes share their backgrounds as they mentor youth, with no previous teaching or mentoring experience required. As Grandpa’s, they may work with children individually or in small groups in schools or other non-profits, helping youth with reading, math or other tasks assigned by the teachers and staff.
The Grandpa’s will tell you that one of the greatest joys that they get is having a child improve in their school work and walking down the hallways hearing, “Hi Grandpa,”, usually with a wave and a huge smile, from students and staff alike.
Being a Foster Grandparent is a great bridge in understanding other generations for the Grandpa’s and children alike. Not everyone has a grandparent or grandchildren living close by and the Grandpa’s are a caring older adult in the children’s lives and it gives the Grandpa’s a chance to feel needed while being positive role models.
Catholic Charities Central MN Foster Grandparent Program offers adults, age 55 and over, the opportunity to work with students in local schools, or other non-profit agencies where children need extra assistance. Typically school “Grandpas” and “Grandmas” are matched with classrooms where they can share their skills and personalities.
About Catholic Charities Central MN Foster Grandparent Program
The Foster Grandparent Program offers many benefits to those who participate, including a tax free reimbursement of $2.65/hour, transportation reimbursement for mileage or for using a city bus, volunteer orientation, on-going training, and more. The joy of helping children and getting frequent hugs seem to be among the “most mentioned” benefits! It’s a great time to get started! For more information or to apply to be a Foster Grandparent, contact Pat Braun at 612-390-0617 or by email at pbraun@ccstcloud.org.