Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory

Twp. Board Deals With Several Road Issues At Meeting

Resident Mark Scheeler appeared before the Becker Twp. Board Monday night with a plea to have a form of dust control applied to an area of road near his property.

The gravel road identified is Garden Grove Road.
Scheeler, who has lived at his current residence since 1992,  said “the dust gets to a point where it’s a wall of dust coming into our yard.” Scheller said with all the traffic the dust kicks up like it was a “construction zone.”
Chairman Gary Hammer said he and the board are aware of the situation, not only at Scheeler’s road but at a few others around town.
Engineer Terrance VanderEyk suggested the town apply a magnesium chloride solution that’ll take a few applications over the next few seasons before it is fully effective. The cost at present for the solution is 60¢ a foot and Eyk estimated the footage was around 383 feet.
The board suggested Eyk confirm the prices and discover what other roads can benefit from the solution application.
Church Plant Request
The board received a letter from a Michael Grismore who was interested in possibly renting the town hall to hold church meetings for a new church plant in the area.
The board discussed the possibility but agreed the building was probably not suited for such an endeavor and planned to notify Grismore of their decision.
Street Sweeping
Three area roads were identified to being in ned of street sweeping and those included 166th Court, Bridgeview and 180th Street.
Board members stated they remembered seeing several roads that needed spring sweeping while on their annual road tour.
Clerk Cindy Messman was instructed to give Todd Schiendzelos a list of the roads in need of sweeping and Schiendzelos will get a crew out there to get the work done.
Planning Commission
Kelli Neu said she attended a geological atlas meeting recently and picked up some geological and GIS maps to be utilized by the township.
Neu also mentioned the township comprehensive plan was complete and will go to the joint planning board later this month for approval.
Wruck Construction was recently issued another notice for violation of having solid waste on their property. Neu also was notified a homeowner was generating a business out of their home and she gave them a notice that they are in violation of a zoning ordinance.
Engineer’s Report
Eyk said he was advised the warranty period for Turnquist Farms and Scenic Hills developments ends in August and at that time there will be a release of securities.
Eyk received two quotes for patching roads at 185th Ave. which included a bid of $8,000 from Knife River and a $6,000 bid from Hard Drives. Eyk said the bid from Hard Drives was closer to his original estimate and suggested the town board approve the Hard Drives bid, which they did.
Eyk pointed out that 175th Avenue around a culvert was showing distress and gave an estimate to the board to have the area of road fixed. He suggested the 36” corrugated pipe be replaced by a 42” concrete pipe to accommodate DNR recommendations. The total for the pipe and road replacement was estimated at $11,418.
Another road at 103rd Street was identified as distressed despite being relaid as early as 2002. Schiendzelos said he would go and inspect the road and report back on what condition it is in and what needs to be done to fix the problem.
Other News
• The board received an estimate of $2,500 to have a sound system installed at town hall which would include speakers, stands, etc. Clerk Messman thought the quote was a little high and said she would continue to research;
• Eyk and Neu were selected to represent the town board as part of the WSB regional transportation system task force responsible for planning for long-term transportation options;
• Messman distributed a sheet that had times for the local board of equalization training that is required for town board members;
• May 21 is the date for the association of townships meeting with a 6:30 p.m. dinner and the meeting starting at 7 p.m.;
• The joint planning board will meet May 27;
• There were 149 calls for service from the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Dept.
The next Becker Township Board meeting is June 16 at 7 p.,.