Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Township Has Hands Full With Flooding Issues

Flood concerns was the main topic of discussion during last week’s Becker Township board meeting.

Resident Flooding
Twp. Engineer Terrance VanderEyk showed original plans of elevation and flow design of Garbrian Woods and discussed storm water management and the history of the development in this originally wooded area. It was discovered the wetlands and staging area are at their 100 year capacity.
It was also discovered that silted soil in the drainage swale is about a foot deep.
A resident made an observation that the north to south alignment of the drainage does not line up very well. Two residents on the south side have water coming in their basement, one of which is east of the plat.
A question was raised about digging out the silt about one foot and how much this would help. Eyk said the water would then be diverted to a culvert. He pointed out a pond on the north side of 96th Street will need to be lowered approximately two feet if the sedimentation in the offtake swale is cleaned out.
Mike Nelson of Minnesota Engineering & Construction, representing the Hietalas and others on the south side of the development: said the outlet pipe is wrong. 
“It is outside the six foot easement and is two feet higher than it was to have been by looking at designs,” he said.
He said there is a 20-foot easement along the lot line of lots one and two, indicating an intent to convey drainage along that line. However, an 18”x 240’ storm line was constructed along the east line of lot one outside of the dedicated six foot easement.
Because of where the pipe ends, Nelson says all the water ends up in the backyard of Heitala’s. His recommendation is to work with the landowner to get the easement fixed or move the pipe.
At the time the plat was being processed, it was the township’s understanding  the county was the drainage authority and as such reviewed and approved the drainage provisions for the development. The township has since assumed drainage authority responsibilities and it is unsure if the original easement information even exists.
Mike Gunderson brought pictures to show the board of his property that is affected by the floods.
He said, looking at the design and the water level today, his concern is that this level is unprecedented. But in 2011, this same situation happened as well. Water from the hill on the north of his is one of the properties with a lot of drainage. He has no water in his basement at this time and his well is not an issue for him either.
However, he would like to see things fixed for everyone, not just a single property. Another property in the area has sandbags around their well head.
When Gunderson and his neighbor pump out their yards and into the ditch, the water moves into the Heitala’s yard. Cleaning out the ditch and culvert can happen quickly and will remedy the north side, but would make the water levels in Heitala’s yard and others on the south side of the development worse.
Five residents who have affected properties were given permission by the board to allow Eyk and his crew look at all the areas and determine the best solution.
Eyk said he could have the whole situation figured out in just under a month.
Engineer’s Report
Eyk mentioned the shoulder widening partial payment  of $157,319.23 was due.
102nd was completed with seeding. Eyk’s crew had to extend culverts for 94th into Hidden Treasurers.
137th West’s seeding is done.
The slope dressing on 137th East shows the rain slowing things down. 87th was shouldered Wednesday.
A request for lowering speeds on East/West Beatrice was discussed. MnDOT does speed zoning based on Statute 169.011. Since it is a residential road, the township can have a speed zone of 25 mph if the road is ½ mile or less. In a rural residential zone that is greater than ½ mile, the township can have a speed zone of 35 mph if there is 300’ or less between drives.
Finally, in an urban district, the drives need to be at intervals of 100 feet or less.
East/West Beatrice is posted at 30 mph with additional “Slow Children” signs placed by a local resident. Those signs were never authorized and need to be addressed. Twp. Attorney Dick Schieffer said Beatrice will need to be 35 mph and all other unauthorized signs will need to be removed.
A motion was made to make a complete sign inventory of East and West Beatrice, while removing unauthorized signs and putting in a regular, 35 mph, upgraded sign. 
Eyk went on to discuss a pothole on 175th over a culvert. 
The culvert is an old corrugated metal pipe and a 4”x6’ hole opened up at the outlet of the pipe after it appears to have been hit with something and nearly pinched shut. The pipe has been patched for now and the end opened up more.
Eyk said the township is working for a permit through the DNR for the pipe replacement here and on 87th Avenue. The pipes  will come from Cretex or from Schendzielos.
The Hickenbottom riser on 91st was repaired.
Seal coats for the county will start next week. The county projects will be completed first with the townships soon to follow.
Dust control is planned tentatively for June 26 and the plan is to use a tandem distributor truck. This is going to be completed as a joint project with the City.
Hardrives will let the township know when they are ready to complete the reclaim and surfacing projects.
Planning Commission
Kelli Bourgeois said a public hearing was held for a CUP for a 180’ monopole tower and building variance of just over 338 feet  for Verizon on the Aleckson Property. 
Three residents contacted the township and were upset, but none of them came to the public hearing. The PC recommended approval of the CUP and variance request to the joint planning board  and they will meet June 24 for final action.
A rezoning request was made for the former auction site property on Hwy. 10 that is consistent with the township’s comprehensive plan. 
June 23, a special planning commission meeting was held to amend the IUP issued for the Co. Rd. 4 road project. Due to weather, the dates of this project have changed. Planning commission will convene a public hearing so the matter can be brought before the JPB in a timely manner.