Saturday, December 21st, 2024 Church Directory

Snowplow Complaints Come In To Cl Twp.

he Clear Lake Twp. meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. Tuesday evening by Chairman Gary Gray and after the pledge of allegiance was recited and the November minutes read and approved, Bud Stimmler motioned to pay the bills with a second made by Joe Goenner.  Motion carried.  Bills were paid.
New Business
Gray discussed the snowplow complaint letter that he recently wrote up.  This letter is intended to be mailed to residents who continue to complain even after a board member has tried to help the resident.
Treasurer Paul Goenner discussed putting money into another savings CD for the future hopes of building a new township hall.  He will discuss this again at the January board meeting when he has the final checking and savings account balances for 2014 year end. 
Sheriff’s Report
Deputy Chris Aleshire reported on the month of November in which there were 58 incidents reported including 26  traffic stops, one barn burglary, eight public assists (mostly due to the Nov. 10 snow storm and vehicles going in the ditch) and one shooting complaint during deer hunting season.
Parks & Trails 
Stimmler said the park has been quiet, but there have been residents taking walks.  Stimmler had Bill Bronder and Gina Hugo put together a wind-break wild life project.  He wanted trees and shrubs planted along the fence (that has the golf course on the other side).  Stimmler received a quote of $277.88 for 50 Norway, 50 White Pine trees and 100 shrubs.  Purchase of the trees and shrubs was approved.
Road Report
Engineer Terrance VanderEyk reported on the estimate for the possible 2015 seal coat and striping projects.  The project estimates are for River Oaks, 90th Ave. and 67th St.  Eyk will discuss this again at the January board meeting before he submits the estimates to the county.
History Book Update
Stimmler discussed the history book project and said the township attorney prepared an authorized agreement document to hire a writer for the book.  Stimmler said he will go over the agreement with the selected book writer at the next history book meeting.
Other News
Gray reported there was no library nor fire department board meetings last month. 
Tuesday’s meeting concluded at 7:20 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Tues., Jan. 20 at 7 p.m.