Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Shorthanded Board Tackles Clear Lake Twp. Business

With Chairman Gray Gray absent, Bud Stimmler stepped in and he and Member Joe Goenner conducted Tuesday’s Clear Lake Twp. meeting.
Elk Lake Landing
Gary Anderson of the Briggs Lake Chains Association (BLCA) told the board he and Barb Tucker have been working to help increase the health and reduce and mitigate road runoff into Elk Lake.
Anderson said he and Tucker identified three properties they wanted to possibly utilize to do a test. Their #1 property was the boat landing on Elk Lake in Clear Lake Twp. owned by 28 area property owners.
What Anderson and Tucker plan to do is add a trench drain at the top of the hill of the landing and situate several other splash boxes used to capture and slow down road runoff into the lake.
So far, Anderson said six of the 28 owners have been contacted and they plan to officially meet with the owners to discuss the plan and get their approvals.
Twp. Engineer Terrance VanderEyk told Anderson that is probably the best course of action — first contacting the owners and go from there.
History Book
Stimmler said he has so far found three potential writers to take charge of planning, writing and organizing the Clear Lake Twp. history book project already underway.
Stimmler said he’s received two out of the three submitted proposals and plans to select one of them soon to begin managing the project from what they need and expect from the volunteers.
Stimmler said $13,000 has been allocated so far to get the project going and completed and the group of volunteers recently received over 65 negatives of old time photos related to Clear Lake from years past. Stimmler asked the board to approve opening up an account with The Camera Shop in order to get the negatives processed into digital files to be used in the book.
Other News
• Attorney Roger Neils said he reviewed a feedlot proposal and the proposed changes to the definitions and setbacks of the ordinance and suggested the board also review it and contact Commissioner Felix Schmiesing before next week if further changes were deemed necessary;
• Eyk said he plans to work on the annual mileage certification report of the 31.45 miles of township roads to be reported to the county by Nov. 3;
• Deputy Chris Aleshire said 86 calls for service came into the sheriff’s department in the month of September with 34 being traffic, two being thefts, one being a trespassing, four for fraud, three accidents, three medicals and two ATV complaints.
Up Next
The next Clear Lake Twp. meeting is Nov. 18 at 7 p.m.