Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Santiago Seeks Speeding Solution

Requests from citizens regarding speeding on township roads, a discussion of storm repairs to the town park and a possible solution to dust problems on local gravel roads were among the items brought up at the regular meeting of the Santiago Township Board Wednesday night.

Prior to the regular session, the body met as the Board of Canvass to certify the results of the Tuesday election which saw Chairman Stuart Nelson and Clerk Kathy Woolard elected to new terms.  Both had run unopposed.
During the monthly sheriff’s department report, Nelson commented that a number of residents at the Tuesday township annual meeting had reported numerous incidents of speeding on township roads recently, especially involving traffic on 62nd Street and 175th.  These individuals had requested that the number of patrols be increased in these areas in an effort to curb the problem.
The deputy presenting the report indicated he would convey the request to the sheriff’s department, and that a response would be forthcoming at the April board meeting.  The discussion also included the possible installation of a “speed trailer” which displays vehicle speeds on a screen and records the data for later analysis.  
Woolard said the device had been effective in curbing speeding in the township in the past.
Town Park
Nelson informed the board the insurance settlement check had been received for the storm damage to Santiago Town Park, and a discussion took place regarding the best way to move forward with the repairs.  No meaningful work can be done until the snow and frost are gone, Nelson opined, and the board agreed that little could be gained by trying to “battle the snow” at this time.  An estimate for replacement signs damaged in the storm is expected at the April meeting.
Treasurer Jeff Anderson reported the Santiago Lion’s Club had made a $5,000 donation to the township for park maintenance, and is considering purchasing a mower for use in the park if sufficient funds can be raised.
Dust Control
The board discussed use of a special bleach-like liquid that can be used to treat gravel roads in summer to cut down on the amount of dust blown into the air by passing traffic.  Supervisor Dave Jehoich said the material would both keep the dust down and would not require as much grading to keep the road surface smooth.  Problems with potential corrosion on vehicles using the road were noted, and a test would be conducted before any action is taken.
Other Business
The sheriff’s report listed 26 calls for service in Santiago Township in February, including eight traffic stops.  The fire department report showed six calls for service in Santiago Township since January 1.