Thursday, March 6th, 2025 Church Directory
MEDIEVAL. Minnesota Renaissance Festival Royal Guardsman Tomias Cooper displayed a sword and bucker shield combination while Captain Sir Gregory Tesseyman told the audience about life in the medieval world during a visit to the BCC sponsored by the Becker Public Library Thursday afternoon.
ROYAL GUARDS. Commander of the Minnesota Renaissance Festival Royal Guard Sir Gregory Tesseyman (with axe) and Guardsman Thomias Cooper answered questions from kids about medieval life and times during a visit to the Becker Community Center Thursday afternoon that was sponsored by the Becker Public Library.

Royal Guards Visit Becker Library

Two members of the Royal Guard at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival in Shakopee paid a visit to a group of enthusiastic students at the Becker Community Center Thursday afternoon as part of the June events program sponsored by the Becker Public Library.
Captain of the Guard Sir Gregory Tesseyman and Guardsman Thomias Cooper appeared in the heavy brocade costumes that they wear when guarding the King And Queen and other royals each weekend at the Renaissance Festival, along with a table full of armor and weapons from the Tudor period that had the kids attention immediately.
The duo explained the duties of the guardsmen and told the young audience about the process by which a young man could become a knight, and the duties and responsibilities of such a position in the medieval world, and enacted the “accolade” by which a knight was made.
They also told the story of “St. George and the Dragon,” with the burly Cooper taking on the role of the sheep-eating (and worse) dragon, while his commanding officer Tesseyman played the role of St. George the dragon-slayer.
When the play was done, Cooper displayed the badge and chain of the Order of the Garter, the much sought-after honor which is presented to every new member of the Order of St. George in England.  Tesseyman then displayed the original English flag, which featured a red Cross of St. George on a pure white background.
At that point, the two guards invited the audience members to come up and see the equipment they had brought with them which included chain mail, war hammers, maces, a buckler shield, a crested steel helmet and swords and daggers of various types.
The demonstration was the highlight of the day for many of the kids who delighted in trying on the armor and helmet and trying to life the heavy maces and other weapons, which the guards wisely required could not leave the display table during the event.