A discussion on the postponement of upcoming road projects due to the continuing rain in the area and specific flooding taking place on township roads were among the items on the agenda at the regular meeting of the Santiago Town Board Wednesday night.
Supervisor David Jehoich told the board that flooding is currently taking place on 155th St. in the township, with as much as two feet of water on the roadway at the present time. He reported that one resident of the area is currently using a kayak to get from his residence to the road due to the high water, and that other homes in the area are reporting flooding in basements as well.
The discussion indicated that a culvert placed on private property may have a bearing on the current flooding. Supervisor Jeff Pappenfus noted that the matter involves permits for the driveway and culvert issued by Sherburne County, and is not then an issue for Santiago Township to deal with.
Contractor John Herbst told the board that he had been investigating the ditches in the area, and had cleared some openings, but that further work will be required to control water run-off. He also said that some road repairs are underway now. He advised the board that several pending road projects be postponed for the time being, at least until the current heavy rains abate.
Chairman Stuart Nelson agreed, suggesting that the township wait at least one month before proceeding with planned seal coating and other work.
The Santiago Lion’s Club reported that work is proceeding on the town park to repair damage from the major storm last summer. The club is considering building a 20’ x 40’ pavilion between the two baseball fields in the park, and an additional structure to the west of the concession stands near the horseshoe pits. Nelson said that the board had no objections to the club plans for the field renovation, with Pappenfus suggesting that the Lion’s “do as you see fit” in terms of the renovation.
The annual kick ball tournament and pork chop fry will take place on the third weekend in August, club members said.
Roadway Turn-Back
Sherburne County Commissioner Felix Schmiesing was scheduled to appear before the board to discuss planned turn-backs of county roadways to Santiago Township for maintenance, but was unable to attend the Wednesday meeting.
Nelson said he assumed that Schmiesing would attend the July meeting, or would provide the board with updated information on the planned turn-backs before that time.
Other Business
The sheriff’s report indicated 51 calls for service in Santiago Township in May, of which 13 were traffic stops. The Becker Fire Dept. recorded 31 calls for service in May, with seven originating in Santiago.