Saturday, May 11th, 2024 Church Directory
PEER2PEER volunteers Sarah Damhof and Mickaela Maehren serve lunch to area kids.
DAWSON STRAND, his grandmother Dawn Strand, Nanny Jeanean Rudnitski and Conner Tamm eat lunch provided by the “lunch bunch.”

Peer2 Peer Youth Group Helps Feed Local Kids

With school being out for the summer, some area kids may miss a meal. Peer2Peer, the senior high youth group from Rejoice Lutheran Church, is looking to help with “Lunch Bunch.”
Peer2Peer’s focus has always been on helping the community, including working with the Clearwater/Clear Lake Food Shelf. Last year the group served at the Salvation Army in St. Cloud and realized that for some area kids, the summer months mean a gap in receiving meals that they would normally get at school.
“We wanted to fill a little bit of that gap here,” said advisor Kris Maehren.
The group created “Lunch Bunch,” an event they’re offering twice this summer to get a feel for the potential turnout and help them discover what they can do for next year. 
They sent out flyers to Head Start and local area properties announcing the event, and with donations from Rejoice the group purchased food and offered lunch to area families June 8 at the Clearwater Lions Park. The Lions donated the use of the pavilion for the group to set up in. 
Peer2Peer members Mickaela Maehren and Sarah Damhof served the lunch. 
“Peer2Peer’s goal is to make a difference in the community and also have fun with it,” said Damhof. 
“Afterwards we always do something fun,” added Maehren. In the past the group has played games, participated in activities and gone out for treats.
Area residents Dawn Strand, her grandson Dawson, Nanny Jenean Rudnitski and her charge Connor Tamm took part in the lunch. 
“Dawson got a notice at Head Start, and as he’s an only child I thought it would be nice for him to hang out with other kids,” said Strand.
“We came here to play and decided to come and eat,” Rudnitski said. “They were serving hot dogs and Conner loves them.”
Participation was low, but as it was their first event of this kind the group didn’t expect a large turnout. 
“We’re hoping with word of mouth it will grow a little bit for next time,” said Kris Maehren.
Peer2Peer is open to students in grade eight and up, and is always looking for more volunteers; youth don’t need to be members of Rejoice to participate. Their next Lunch Bunch event will be July 13 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and they’re also looking for donations of food for the meal. After the event they plan to go disc golfing.
Along with the Lunch Bunch, Peer2Peer is also meeting July 6 to start a makeover on the youth room at Rejoice and go swimming. July 20 they’ll be heading to Valleyfair for a day of fun, and July 27 they’ll be finishing the youth room makeover and going tubing.
Anyone interested in volunteering or donating can contact Kris Maehren at