Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory

Pebble Creek Women Present $4,400 Check To Becker Backpack Buddies Program

Spirits were high as the Becker Backpack Buddies Board of Directors, led by President Jeremy Hallquist, joined the Pebble Creek Women’s Club to celebrate the success of their Birdies & Bogeys for Becker Backpack Buddies Guest Day Event and Fundraiser which was held at the Pebble Creek Golf Club in Becker, MN.  

More than 75 ladies had participated in the event which raised a whopping $4,400 for the Becker Backpack Buddies program.  Carole Engelby, Guest Day Event Chairperson, presented the check to the Becker Backpack Buddy board of directors on Tuesday during the celebration.
“On behalf of the entire Pebble Creek Women’s Club and all of the ladies and volunteers who helped make our Guest Day event so successful, I was so pleased to present a check for $4,400 to the Becker Backpack Buddies board, said Carole Engelby, PCWC Guest Day Event Chairperson. “This additional funding will allow them to provide another 50 Becker kids with food over the weekends during this coming school year.” Carole added, “We are so proud to support this great cause and do something so positive for our Becker community.”
On behalf of the Becker Backpack Buddies program, Sara Gallus said, “Thank you to all of Pebble Creek Women’s Golf Club for your generosity to the local kids of our community!”  The current Becker Backpack Buddies board of directors includes Jeremy Hallquist, Becky Bodien, Sara Gallus, Amy Spinner, Julie Volk and Nancy Hendrickson.