Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 Church Directory
ALYX JOHNSON of Clearwater said her goals for the year were, “Decluttering, home improvements and that my little boy (Ben) soon learns to walk, talk and be able to eat chocolate.” (Submitted photo.)
DEREK NELSON of Big Lake said, “My New Years Resolution this year is to focus on further developing myself as a coach, mentor, and business owner. I hope to use the things I have learned through the struggles of 2020, to help others achieve their goals and overcome the obstacles of the past year. I am also looking forward to another year of coaching the students of Big Lake for the Cheerleading Program and Speech Team.” (Submitted photo.)
BECKER POLICE CHIEF BRENT BALOUN said, “On the personal side I want to spend more time with my wife and family. I tend to spend a lot of hours at work and less time with family. They deserve more of my time! On the professional side I would like to see our department work toward more community engagement.” (Submitted photo.)
PATTY LINDBOM of Becker said, “This year my thoughts of a New Year’s resolution has a completely different perspective. 2020 brought on the challenges for us all. My New Year’s resolution for 2021 is to find my positive mojo, being able to let go of what doesn’t create happiness and focus on what really matters.” (Submitted photo.)
LORI JOHNSON hopes to be able to open her new natural health business called Root of Health on Main St. in Clearwater in spring of 2021 (delayed from fall of 2020 opening due to COVID-19). (Submitted photo.)
BECKER CITY ADMINISTRATOR GREG PRUSZINSKI had four resolutions: “1) Incorporate gratitude into my daily life. 2) Be a stronger volunteer, volunteer more. 3) Expand my network by one person per month. 4) Total body fitness.” (Submitted photo.)
BIG LAKE POLICE CHIEF JOEL SCHARF said, “My New Years resolution is to eat healthier in 2021. I have never been strong at balancing my diet, but with the really screwed up year in 2020, I ate a lot of fast and unhealthy food! ” (Submitted photo.)

Patriots’ New Years resolutions

The Patriot reached out to citizens in the area to ask what their New Year’s resolutions were. The Patriot’s resolution is to continue to serve this awesome community! Thanks to our readers and our advertisers for continuing to patronize, promote and sponsor our newspaper!