A presentation on stormwater reduction plans by Sherburne SWCD water resource specialist Tiffany Determan, a request for comment on four variances for a property on 55th St. and action on a shared maintenance agreement for 67th St. with Clear Lake Township were among the items on the agenda at the regular meeting of the Palmer Town Board Monday night.
Stormwater Reduction
Determan gave a slide show presentation on the current projects by the SWCD in the county, including water monitoring efforts, working with residents in regard to the results of the aerial survey and the subsequent “groundtruthing” of properties in the Palmer area, and discussed some stormwater reduction proposals now being worked on. She also noted the work done by the Healthy Lakes Committee headed by Gary Anderson and Barb Tucker. Grant monies are currently available to homeowners who may wish to work with the SWCD on water control projects, Determan said.
She stated there is grant money available to complete projects in the area, and discussed a project that would impact multiple properties in the Palmer area, including one on 115th St. on Lake Julia on which preliminary design work has been completed. Determan also outlined a number of water control measures that could be employed, such as trench drains and swales along roadways to control the flow of rainwater and “Rain Guardian” bunkers that capture runoff and hold it until it can percolate into the ground.
Attorney David Meyers said care would have to be taken with such plans, because once the township “captures” water in such a system, they then bear the responsibility for it. He cautioned such systems could involve the township in the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) state regulations, which would be very expensive due to the many regulations it would have to meet.
Chairman Mike Ganz said the township would need to be involved in the planning stages of these projects. He also said that the 115th St. water problem will have to be dealt with at some point, because “it isn’t going away.”
Other Business
The board heard a request for four variances for a project on 55th St. which would reduce the impervious surfaces and retain the same footprint for the structure.
Following a detailed discussion, the board voted unanimously to provide a positive comment on all four requests to the county.
The board also unanimously approved an agreement with Clear Lake Township regarding shared maintenance on a short section of 67th St.
Briggs Lake Chain Association President Dan Merchant reported that spraying for curly leaf pondweed had been done, and that treatment for milfoil on Rush Lake would take place in June and July. He also said that the carp barrier on Rush Lake had been repaired by a group of township residents.
The board considered a request for a lot line adjustment on property owned by Clint Schendzielos, and will vote on the resolution at the June regular meeting.
Ganz stated Supervisor Steve Demeules had undergone surgery this week, and he and the other board members wished him a speedy recovery and return.
The sheriff’s report indicated 30 traffic stops in Palmer in the previous month, which resulted in six citations being issued. A speed monitor on 42nd St. recorded average speeds of between 36 and 39 M.P.H., the report stated. Ganz asked if the machine could be emplaced during the evening hours in that area.